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RE: A Small Town County Fair - Have You Ever Been To One?

in #dtube8 years ago (edited)

Congrats on all your ribbons!

We are lucky enough to have FOUR fairs that are within 30 minutes driving time (or less) from us, and I love going to as many as we're able to make it to.

We participate in one, which is the last of the four (this year, Sept. 12 - 16). This year we'll be entering 5 of our dairy goats in open classes as well as 4-H for my son. I'm also thinking about entering some hand knitted things I made this year. I wanted to enter my canned green beans but I did all of them in pints this year and the fair book requires quarts -- whoops!


WOW! FOUR! That is fantastic. I would love to go visit the district fair but its over an hour a way and I just can never find the time to get over there. And that is weird that they require only quarts. Never heard that rule before.