
Thanks for the shout out Nathan.

As for the "Happening" we are more likely dealing with the "Fappening" due to an overabundance of hope porn.

It's funny, but I was actually gearing up to Troll you over to SteemIt through @defango. ; )
I didn't realize you had already joined some time back. Glad to see you using the D-Tube like a Pro.
SteemON Nathan!


Are you kidding? There is no place I would rather be right now. It's the crypto revolution!

I have a hard time believing that some of the people you are talking about in these videos are intentionally misleading people. They want to believe in Q and they are seeing things through the eyes of hope. To say that they wake up each day and fire up their computers with the intent to mislead their viewers, i just don't buy that. They are putting forward ideas they believe in. They may have bought into something that is itself disinformation, but I do not believe they are sourcing the misinformation intentionally. I prefer videos where you focus on your information/takes and are less focused on other youtubers and what they're saying. Just my 2 cents.

Interesting take. Seems logical enough to give these people the benefit of the doubt... but they DO have tens of thousands of followers that eat this stuff up. That's a decent chunk of ad revenue they might have become accustomed to rely on. Even if they started out with good intentions early in the Trump campaign... you can't deny they have large, income-producing audience bases addicted to the #hopeporn. Are they going to start swimming against the current and risk losing sub$? It's really not all that different than CNN at this point.

Did you know” Men and women would not be allowed to hold mixed services, and women would be prevented from reading from the Torah or wearing prayer shawls” Source

Did you know That Netanayhou has 6 Twitter accounts. And he followed No Arab leader except The “middle east gay club” and Palestinian PM. That is the way to everlasting peace.
And you know that for first time in a long time a US president kept his campaign promise. Thank you Netanyahu.
Now Trump must ask Netanyahu to return the favor and allow women to pray on the wailing wall equally next to men.

My god, anyone who can watch LaJune and eat up the nonsense she's pushing, is just willfully ignorant #HopePorn, good show Nathan.

Followed you here from this youtube video. Been a subscriber of yours over there for a couple weeks now. Your perspective has woken me up a bit. I'm still optimistic but I cannot deny the feeling of being strung along. And it's not just lately... It's been since Day #1.

It's always "huge legal action against the criminal dems, right around the corner" and the swamp is about to drain. My biggest concern is all the abused kids. If Trump was such a hero, and this pedogate stuff is legit, then why let this go on for almost a year?

How many victims in that time-frame could have been saved? It's all a circus. No matter how much we wanted Trump to be the man, it's looking more and more like he's just a better master of distraction then we've ever seen before and he's keeping the most aggressive segment of society sedated with his rhetoric.

I can't help but think of the old clips of Trump at WWF wrestling matches and not think this is all he's doing to us now... it's just all an act.

I hope I'm wrong, but until something real and significant happens, this could be one of the biggest hoodwinks in history.

Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt quote image

Very good video, again, Nathan. Even though I wish the Q stuff was real, I am afraid you are right on this. I also do agree with you, that we are on track for WW3.
There is just one thing I cannot get my head around, and I would like to know your thoughts:
Why is the MSM still bashing Trump, if he is right on track with the interests of the elite ? And regarding WW3, I would expect much more war propaganda deamonizing Iran in order to push for public consent about the "Iranian threat" ?
Over here in Europe, the MSM is even quite critical on the recent Jerusalem decision, even in Germany. How could this be explained ?