
Sure. It would be nice if they also recognized the Democrat and Republican Parties are both identical, and both totally in favor of the police continuing to enforce anti-property laws unevenly against minority-populated areas. ...It would be nice if blacks and Mexicans left the Democratic Party in droves and refused to vote for any candidate who refused to pledge to testify in court cases to the criminality of the drug war. Fuck!...for that matter it would be nice if the Libertarian Party membership would do the same, and demand the LNC actually try to elect libertarians to offices that matter (since they're too stupid to know what those offices are, here they are: State House, State Senate, Sheriff).

...but people (including "libertarians") are REALLY FUCKING STUPID. ...So I'm just happy when ANYBODY has a rebellious bone in their body, and protests this repugnant police state we're all living in. ...No matter how inconsistently they do so, no matter what clueless alliances they've made, no matter how self-contradictory they are.

...Kaepernick is a hero for protesting the police state. Good for him. Does he understand that the incumbent government will try to manipulate his protest for their own electoral advantage, while offering him nothing in return? Maybe. ...Probably not (his alliance with the toxic, anti-freedom Sarsour belies an immense lack of political sophistication).

...But, like I said: more power to him. I think what he's doing is great. He can learn as he goes, as the best of us have (and I count Luke in that group).