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RE: Hey Steemit Libertarians! In this video, I discuss taxes with Colin Moriarty

in #dtube7 years ago

Ron Paul is not against helping Puerto Rico in absolute terms. He's against giving them help they don't deserve. He's simply saying that any government that is morally corrupt and fiscally unsound due to blatant mis-management should not be bailed out because it just leads to more of the same behavior. Pain is not a bad thing when it promotes corrective action. It can be a great learning tool. Granted the hurricane was not their fault.....we should help them with that and I think Ron Paul would agree. The years of bond borrowing and profligate spending by irresponsible elected politicians is something altogether different. The people allowed those actions to continue unchecked, and for that the people's pain is warranted. Suck it up and fix it at the ballot box.