
Hello Kirsty, welcome to Steem! :-)
I would add more text to your posts as comments to increase chance that your posts=videos will be found be people that are interested in same subject.
This post was found by @anmitsu, professional @ocd curator, which gives enormous boost to visibility, but usually it's not that easy to reach out to your potential audience.
Sweat, blood and tears.
It's like finding herbs in the woods. If you don't know what you are looking for you won't find it.
You could add more detailed description telling what this video is about, or better yet - add text transcription or at least just questions that were asked (to not spoil answers for people who didn't watch video yet)
I know that it would be a lot of additional work, but it will feed search engines (like google) and can improve your visibility.

Good luck! :-)

Thanks so much very helpful.

kirstytheseedeater. I think i saw you on Dlive.

kirstyeatsweeds lol and yeah

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