
Thank you for your comment, hope you found it worth watching.

Absolutely. I have done blood testings on people with a 100% fruit based diet. It gives the blood and health amazing benefits. Personally im vegetarian ( not vegan because i use honey and some times eggs ). I would love to switch to fruit based, but its almost impossible to get everything organic in Norway. The dream would be to be able to pick my own fruit straight from the trees. Keep up your posts. You are doing a great job!

Thank you, Kim, I think that is a dream many of us share - to have our own abundance of fruit trees. Imagine if the planet was filled with them everywhere, so that people in tropical places could sustain themselves mostly on fruit.

oh yes. That is the dream :)

Would you like to share your thoughts on the importance of organic foods?

Organic food is really important. Greens grown in outgrown soils barely contains minerals ( the soil gets drained after constant re-growing). And chemicals sprayed on them will find their way inside the fruit and vegetables that we eat. Chemicals that kills bugs will be harmful for all living beings. I see a big difference in the blood of people using non organic to people using organic. Personally i get sick from eating non organic, especially bananas.. Organic is good for the environment and for health. The government needs to support more organic growth so more farmers can produce it without risking their income due to pests etc.

Have never been very conscious about it, hard enough to find quality fruit for me. Hopefully, that will change in the future, with more organic produce available.