Is Content Creation Past Its Prime?

in #dtube6 years ago

My first #ZNap.

I used to feel so excited to watch videos years ago. Do you feel like most people in the developed world have pretty much burned themselves out from videos/blogs/tweets/photos and are therefore less inclined to be genuinely intrigued by other people's content?

Perhaps people need to focus on having fun instead of creating content and can therefore reignite something?

Most people in the developed world have probably watched thousands of videos, blogs, tweets, photos, etc. I guess it just isn't as fresh as it used to be?

I used to LOVE watching rap battles. Now I rarely ever watch them because they aren't exciting anymore. I feel like everything that can be said has been said and you just don't see the passion anymore. Maybe that is the issue? Videos used to be created out of passion and excitement, but now it has become methodical perhaps?

Let me know y'all.

Thanks for reading & watching

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That's a good question man.
A lot of people are leaving the centralized social media nowadays cause they know that other greater forces are stealing their personal data and use them.
People just can't understand that THEY share their personal data with these companies by uploading tweets,photos,vlogs blogs etc.

Now,about your question,my opinion is that YES,pretty much everything has been recorded or written in a blog BUT in centralized sites like FB or Insta.
The decentralized sites like Dtube,Steemit and a ton of other Dapps will bring a whole new level of creativity cause everyone will want to get some of that cash in the near future and in order to do so they MUST present their audience with something new and amusing.
I think our brain will start working in different directions once Dapps get a little more attention globally.
Sorry if my answer is not easy to understand.
I just want to say "New platforms=More creativity"
But it is also up to the platforms to offer people a new form of expressing them selves.
Just like it happened with Instagram and Insta stories.They presented something new and people loved it.

These platforms must not follow the path that the centralized media have given us,they must present us with some new content creation tools.
I am just bubbling I know hehe.
Have a good day man.

As of now, good and creative content is not what runs this blockchain. That might change in the future, but a lot of people that come here are trying to game the system and earn as much money with the least amount of effort. The blockchain improved a whole bunch since I first joined. There used to be so much spam and bullshit comments. DTube is finally starting to form a tight knit community of people that actually care about this place instead of fighting for upvotes.

When something is fresh, people want to use it to express themselves. When it is popular, trending and everyone is talking about it, people are inspired to do the best they can to make an impact. I think that could happen on a Dapp with good marketing.

Your babbling is inspiring!

I don't think so homie. It certainly does look like it on DTube, but this is something else

On YouTube you can see that audiences are at all time highs

And when Kimbo was active, we were way younger and more easily manipulated to invest load of our precious time on some entertaining content

Right now, its different... We are cryptopreneurs, entering a new era of abundance... And obviously we invest our time much more carefully and are much more aware when it comes to things like that 😎


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Mannn, you brought up a really good point about me being younger and more impressionable. I am going to make a video about that and release it tomorrow. That is such a good point and is something that needs to be brought up!

In some ways, I feel the same, but then I think of some of the content I consume and there are content that will always be fresh as they are made when an event happens. For example, being a football/soccer fan, I often watch a YouTuber's analysis on the game(s) or a documentary related OR watching conspiracy theory videos after the LA/Beverly Hills fire or other disasters etc. That content wouldn't have been created without such an event(s). Yet, there are lots of content creators that are re-creating, but ultimately I feel that is fine too as they are testing out and learning their new skills. In the end, it's up to the viewer to watch it or not, we all have choices to support or ignore.

Yes, maybe there needs to be a change in the way content is consumed...the gaming industry is taking a foothold on VR and AR, so why not content creation?! or possibly there is something else in the future!

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Some things stay relevant for a long time. I agree. For me, I don't really watch anyone's videos on YouTube consistently. YouTube has such a good algorithm that I usually watch many of the recommended videos now. They are good at recommending videos that I am interested in and then I go down their wormhole! However, I don't subscribe to most of the channels, but they sure know how to keep me watching lol.

3 hours later... After watching one video that was 15 minutes long! I know what you mean hahaha 😉

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100% agree whenever you look you see repetitive videos and contents.

Creativity now is limited by what we see, the human brain repeats what already exist & only the creative brains give new things.

I don't think it's done but we just need more outbox brain thinking you know what I mean we need to change our thinking way sueddeutsche we gets new things

Cheers and have a good day my friend!

It happens all over the internet. People eventually want to get famous or something so they try tried and tested methods to do so. People stop making content they are passionate about but isntead create content where they look like they are having fun or creating drama but the love and joy isn't there. I don't think a platform like DTube is "fresh" enough to inspire people again. That can either come by changing the platform or by changing yourself.

No I don't think the problem is in the platform itself I'm sure it's up to the vloggers!

no, I don't think it's done. What I think needs to happen is more people need to be REAL. Be themselves. Honest. Open.

I'm older so didn't grow up on YouTube. I only go there to watch a few things. Okay sometimes I fall down a rabbit hole there and spend a few hours there but most days not.

What I Do love to see is a real person telling a life story. A real life story.

I watched your family777 video and loved how honest you were in there. What you could bring. who you really were. It didn't feel fake to me. From watching that and now this video I can relate to you more as a person even though you and I are from very different generations.

Just my thoughts
#zap? #snap? #zippy? :D #snookanswer

no, I don't think it's done. What I think needs to happen is more people need to be REAL. Be themselves. Honest. Open.

Amen to that. Being real with yourself unlocks new potential and creativity. I think when the thirst for success creeps in, people just follow tried and tested methods that bring success and money and over time, any platform becomes stale and superficial.

Thank you so much for this comment. I think authenticity is extremely important.

I think people just expect/need more to be stimulated these days. We are almost spoiled with how good editing and content creation can be. There needs to be a constant level of excitement to hold the viewer's attention.

The thing is, when I was younger, there was no YouTube. Everyone was watching TV but when ebaumsworld came along, I was obsessed with watching videos there even though the "quality" wasn't as good. Grainy videos were far more interesting to watch than shows on TV with production teams and all that. I don't think it is necessarily about editing. This guy PhilipsoloTV became popular overnight with very amateur videos that were really entertaining because of his personality. I think people eventually reach a point where they try to game the system as opposed to creating content for the love of it.

Well let's see if I can put my thoughts into clearer words. Maybe it's not editing per say but most videos nowadays will have quick cuts to different scenes to keep things exciting. I agree with how it was back in the day but now there is just so much more available. This goes for everything. Music. Movies. Books. Games. Even TV itself. There are more channels and options. Entertainment itself is saturated or overly competitive.

What do you mean by gaming the system? Just trying to make money from it?

What do you mean by gaming the system? Just trying to make money from it?

Yes. For example, fake pranks, lousy TOP 10 videos, drama channels, etc.

I agree that people generally need more stimulation to stay engaged. It is a natural process when you have access to so much in an instant.

I think you need to seek fresh areas of content that do excite you. I go through phases of what interests me. I looked at mountain climbing content for about a year and loved it, but now I rarely watch any of it. I've seen so much that it is not fresh or interesting.

But now I have a few other interests that I do follow. Most of them are SE Asian related since that is where I live now. I have way more content I want to see than I ever could see. There are not enough hours in a day.

Branch out and I think you will feel better.


That's very possible. I used to love watching rap battle when I was in my early 20s. Over time, it eventually became stale because I feel like I have heard every insult/line. Despite battle rap being bigger than it has ever been and having mainstream attention, I still feel it is stale and remember the "good old days." Sometimes I feel like social media will follow that same path unless something brand new is formed.

Rap battle was amazing

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Lol, you used to watch Don't Flop, KOTD, URL, Grind Time, etc. ????????????!!!!

Nah must have missed those 🤪

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Lol, cause I was about to say... I never expected that you were someone that watched rap battles from those leagues when they were the shit hahaha. Haven't met someone with that same interest as me on here. Then again, I haven't asked anyone except you.

Ha yeah those rap battles were awesome, super well put together content

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I agree with you that it is over saturated. Now I think the bar is high on what peoples expectations are. At least if attempting to be full time content creator. Point of entry is a lot harder now. Creativity and thinking outside of the box will be what propels people with content creation going forward. It's more of an art now. Has to have emotional impact. Just my thoughts. I still enjoy getting to know people and hearing others thoughts. But I'm not a typical member of the normal viewing masses I don't think. I enjoy vlogging because it's a bit like a journal or photo album. I also enjoy trying to create art every now and then as well. I think there are still some content formats that haven't been discovered yet. Just got to keep the creative part in creation. Take care.

That's true. Or maybe we're just old and have seen and done it all. Perhaps it is teenagers that are the ones that always care about this stuff.

I'm not sure about you but I know I'm old. Old to the point I complain the the teenagers are not what they used to be and the the world is going to end when they take over. :)

Yup. You're officially old. That is the right of passage for old people lol.

I don’t think it’s past it’s sell by date for sure, I don’t think it ever will be. People will always have a need to share stories. I just think that now even cheap smart phones can shoot ok videos there’s a lot more content being put out, therefore a lot more shitty stuff shows through. That was part of why I wanted to see if I can post a video everyday for 30 days just to see what it’s like. It’s pretty disappointing to find that basically videos that take next to no time to make do better a lot of the time than videos that took a lot of effort. I guess that’s the darker side of content creation. Lots of people just take the path of least resistance because they are not into content creation, more rather the short lived internet fame than they are chasing.

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Content creation has always been like that. The most famous artists aren't necessarily the best. Monetary rewards and fame come down to networking a lot of the time.

Yeah I guess now I’ve stopped going on discord hardly ever I’ve slowed down on the growth front too 😂😂

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Fuck Discord lol

Yeah it’s good for some general chat but I feel it takes all the interaction away from where it should be, on the blockchain! 🤪

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It's weird how much people casually chat over there yet in here, they write 1 half ass comment and leave.

Lol yep that’s exactly my feeling on it 😂

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Hi, Kenan. I really do not know that many people are leaving social media, not in my spheres of friends. We are still excited about posting photos on Instagram and Facebook.

And regarding videos, to me, there are still exciting videos around. Just like some movies which are repeated many times but with new fresh actors and actresses, I still find them fresh.

So I guess it is the fresh look, fresh voices. And the major difference between YouTube and dtube to me is, in Dtube, there is real friendship formed. For YouTube, I really consume for purely entertainment.

And I don't even know did I answer your questions. But no, it is not done yet, there will be still be many new fresh contents that will get us stucked and want to watch again.
And again.

I watch music videos alot. And get never get enough of them. Lol... Travel videos.. Cooking videos...etc.


That's the thing about DTube. Because everyone has a vested interest in seeing this place take off, we need to form real friendships and networks instead of just producing content. That is why it is important to know who your friends and enemies are here. It is different from YouTube where entertainment is the only thing that matters.

To me, places like Facebook seem dead. Less activity going on with my circle of friends. Over time, I guess people get tired of interacting as much. It is natural. I think that the platform or the person has the potential to unleash their inner passion and excitement to express themselves. Sometimes a new platform can do that and other times, it is the person that does it to themselves.

I guess I am just more selective as to what I watch and read these days. If it is about a topic that concerns me, I will probably consume it but seeing videos that have already been done to death will make me numb to that topic.

Its saturated -- But not done. There are plenty of people who are still absolutely obsessed with online content and look forward to it every week -- sometimes they make my head dizzy with how much they worship these online "gods" xD

But if you are used to consuming content and then used to making content it might feel that way. You know the gig now, you have been behind the magic curtain and seen the wizard of oz. Most people will never do that, nor do they necessarily want to.


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I'd say the majority are younger people in their teens. They haven't been exposed to as much content as someone in their late 20s. Maybe things are fresher with them and they are more emotionally invested and being entertained and following drama.

But if you are used to consuming content and then used to making content it might feel that way. You know the gig now, you have been behind the magic curtain and seen the wizard of oz. Most people will never do that, nor do they necessarily want to.

Very very accurate. Damn. This was spot on.

I don’t really consume a lot of comtent in video form to be honest, I am a musician and an artist and will continue to create regardless of my audience ( I don’t have one now and that doesn’t stop me ;). But from my perspective, music has probably always been around, and probably always will. The way we consume it keeps changing as does the sound of the music but it’s always there.

I think that until something new comes along and makes video obsolete people will keep consuming it. It’s the easiest way to brainwash ourselves and become zombies and that is clearly the ultimate goal of humanity so I don’t see it stopping untill we can be reprogrammed directly via computer chip implant. 🧟‍♀️“Brains, BRAINS!”

Do you think it has to do with age? Maybe once you get older, you are naturally desensitized to new content. That is why older people always talk about the good old days. It may not be that things were better at their time, but they were more emotionally manipulated by new stuff and eventually they just get numb to it through constant exposure.

Wowww! I love how much replies you are getting to your posts!! Every time I'm away from Steemit for a bit and then come back, you have improved your posts and followers so much, congratulations!

It's a good point you're making. In a way, I do feel I get used to content and it doesn't hold my attention in the same way. My expectations go up all the time too - if I watch Lord of the Rings now, I almost drop from my chair from shock at the terrible quality of the special effects ;).

We're human beings, always looking to connect to each other, and very keen on visuals. Our expectations of quality may change (more authentic, 4k camera's) but I don't expect video will become less of a trend.

All the best wishes for 2019!!

Oh yeahhhhh. I'm always trying to improve what I do here and follow my passion. Thank you @amritadeva.

Some new creativity can be unlocked that can inspire people again and make things feel fresh once more.

Happy New Year.

I think that a lot of stuff is 'empty' and doesn't move people forward. I still think there is potential on DTube for actual real science (as opposed to the fear-based conspiracy scam artist stuff that floods the crypto-sphere. Yes, I think that we've seen a lot of stuff and there is really nothing new under the sun. But I also think that people need go turn their devices off and go outside more.

To me, it seems content creation goes something like this:

  1. Content is created by passionate individuals
  2. Some content becomes popular and lucrative
  3. Outsiders see this as an opportunity to benefit (money, fame, etc) and find a formula to replicate
  4. The space eventually is filled up with like minded people trying to exploit for personal gain.
  5. People get tired of seeing the same rehashed stuff that doesn't create any real emotional bond.
  6. Passionate people create content out of frustration of feeling empty and tired of all this crap.
  7. Rinse and repeat.

Would you agree?

Science is cool when it is presented by people that know what they are doing. What I don't like is when ignorant people that call themselves "skeptics" try to ride on the backs of the learned by regurgitating information (even if it might be correct) as a means to portray themselves as "rational" and "exposing others." The name Brian Dunning comes to mind. He has a whole podcast and youtube channel where he debunks popular myths which makes him look seemingly "scientific" but when confronted (i.e. by Joe Rogan), you see how irrational and ridiculous the things he ends up saying are.

Nope, there will always be content creation. As long as there are creative people and artists, entertainment will be made. I am bored of most talking head videos (excluding quality snaps like this that bring up a good question). So I look for creative content.

Awwww, you're making me blush...😏😏

Convenience rules every time, quality content creation takes effort, many have burned out.

I watch a few steemit related videos, and some youtube stuff.

Human communication is best done in person.

I still find it amazing to watch couples or families at restaurants staring at their mobile devices, rather than having a real conversation.

The internet is a communication tool, not a replacement for real world interaction.

There is far more stimulation on social media than in real life for most people. That is why even social interactions online can be as superficial as real life conversations. Why listen to a conversation about dinner about mundane topics when you can watch any video at your fingertip? Social media provides a need to people that are unwilling to open up to people to have meaningful conversations. I think the problem goes deeper than social media because lots of times, people are unwilling to interact more than once in a single comment because they feel unsatisfied. Most people walk around with low self esteem and defenses that don't allow effective communication offline or online.


When I look at this from a social engineering perspective, it all fits in with the double edged sword that is technology.

The more we automate, the less we think, and the end result isn't pretty, for those of us who love humanity.

Just today I was at a restaurant watching a 1 yr old kid trapped uncomfortably in a booster seat saying "help me" repeatedly to get the attention of his Mother who was sitting right next to him, with her head buried in her phone.

Those who noticed thought it was cute, all I could do is shake my head in disbelief.

Yeah, it wont be a pretty end result if people dont feel stimulated by reality enough. The lack of enthusiasm for life due to poor mental health, perception, money, etc will make people gravitate towards the online world. It wont solve the problem and will only make that disconnect worse. When people overcome the underlying problem, reality will feel much fresher and alive.

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You're right!

Traditional face to face communication has evolved over thousands of years, its the best way to interact with the people you care about the most.

@kenanqhd, May be yes and may be not, but one thing we cannot neglect and that is, we are entered into an world of Abundance where people are getting what they want. And now most of the work is not coming out like passion, but everything is measured in profit, in my opinion while consuming the Internet, we also consumed our human life because, if we see, we are not those old human beings inturn we are becoming peice of Technology Testers. Stay blessed. 🙂


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Yeah. I think lots of people came here to make money online. This place seems like a heaven for people that want to attain financial independence and make money online so they can live anywhere in the world. Very enticing. Eventually though, people realize that that can't happen if everyone is trying to milk the system, right? We realize for ourselves that we need to do more work here to make that dream a reality.

Yes, life is not that simple, all these complex systems are developed by we Human Beings only and if we want to talk about the Steem Economy, if people think that money will rain then for sure they are living in another world, money can rain if you are putting efforts and you are giving value. And we have to agree that everyone will not going to receive same value back because that's the reality of life. So what's the greatest sign of human being? I will say that, add passion to your work, if you are not making at least you will enjoy. Have a great time ahead. 🙂

Good good. I like the way you think.

Thank you so much brother. Have a great time ahead. 🙂

Thank you. I see you are from Pune, India. Do you know about the OSHO meditation resort? I used to always watch his videos. I have a bunch of his books as well.

Welcome brother. I've never visited there because i live in my own Spiritual World. But good to hear that you've dedicated your time to pursue it. Hope that always your spirit will be blessed with the peace. 🙂

Hmm good question. I think for us because we watched the rise of YouTube and saw everything from Charlie Bit me to Condom Challenges lol we are probably over it.. and people are running out of fresh ideas.. but I do think people will still keep coming up with new and funny ideas. For example a viewer asked me and Ava to do a onesie challenge.. and I was like what? So I looked it up and it is this new one where two people wear one onesie outfit and they have to go in public and do tasks lol.. so I think people will keep bringing fresh ideas. But at the same time I totally understand what you mean. It starts to feel like every song has already been sung so to speak.

Then on the other hand new people will come along and you and I must be about the same age Kenan. So for us everything has been seen. But the new ones will be amazed by things that to us are 'old hat'. hehe

But yeah in general I totally feel what your saying.

Talk soon
Happy early New Years! <3

You brought up a good point about age. It is something I want to make a video about. Being younger makes everything sound and look fresh. Now that we're older, we can't be bothered to enjoy "new" music as much as the "good old days", don't you think? After so many years, you eventually get numb. It is teenagers that are still running around looking for stimulation.

Yeah for the younger ones everything is new. Sometimes I hear songs on the radio for example Santa Baby which was done by Madonna in the 80's. Ariana Grande made one and Ava was bragging about this new Christmas song. So I had a listen and I was like?? What? This is from when I was a kid? lol.. they seem to do this with so many songs, and I see it in the movies too. Jurassic Park sequels, Smurf movies, and so on. To the young ones it is all new. But it is just a played out broken record to me. And honestly I think they never get it right. The original is always better. I hate remakes. I guess in a way I am growing numb. It makes me find joy in other things that I ignored in my 20's. So now I like to go down to the harbor in Toronto and watch the boats, feed the ducks, go to Centre Island. Stuff like that. I just feel so damn numb by entertainment in general. I still do like movies.. I guess it is just the remakes that I hate. Sorry for getting off topic but I think you made a very good point. Please do make a video about it because I think it will resonate with a lot of people especially the 29+ crowd.

Talk soon Kenan,

ps speaking of new music there is this one song I can't stop listening to.. but I guess it is about a year old. I just found it the other day and I can't get enough. Let me know if you like it too.. I think it sort of sounds chill.

So now I like to go down to the harbor in Toronto and watch the boats, feed the ducks, go to Centre Island. Stuff like that.

Yes. Boring, old people stuff!
I swear I have heard that song somewhere but never paid much attention to it. I like it.

I heard you are Canadian too. Are you also from Ontario?

Yup, Mississauga. How about you?

Stoney Creek 🙃 but I go to Sauga all the time. I was at square one the other day 🌎 small world!

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Content Creation is still out there. But some people are just got to used to doing dumb things now. over quality. time to bring back quality video. i think, thanks for sharing, a good thought.

Do you have advice for the people that got used to doing dumb shit and want to become creative again? Is there something that needs to be done to reignite it or perhaps they do dumb stuff because they lack creativity?

hmm i am thinking its audience, lots of people like watching stupid things on videos. But not enough quality stuff. i am thinking people get bored of the mindless junk and would like a focus to something of more quality.

I dont think so really. Are books done? How about TV shows or movies, or even music. On YouTube there are many communities like daily vloggers, ASMR, prepers, that make huge amounts of vids and still many watch and participate.

I guess not. Things just need to evolve in a way that keeps people interested. Some would argue that music is "dead" because they don't like what they hear on the radio. At the same time, I think it has to do with our emotional age and what we connected with as a teenager that has an influence on what we like nowadays.

But I agree agree we could see someone like a Casey Neistat come on here and raise the bar significantly.

Its possible. But Dtube is different from YouTube in that you only need to entertain to be successful on youtube. On Dtube, people need to form because people that just make good content and dont get involved end up being forgotten. Furious Pete and the Hodgetwins came here with a good reception but ended becoming irrelevant because they didnt contribute (commenting, getting involved, etc) and so it just seemed like they were dumping their videos here to make money but DTubers require more than just entertainment to stay relevant. I dont think people will care about you here if you arent part of the community. Thats how i see it for now.

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Yes totally agree and to be honest I am glad that is how it is here.

Just like Hollywood. ALL OUT OF IDEAS!

That could be true, but age could be the culprit. Young people weren't around before so they have no point of reference. When they come in, they see old ideas and think it is new but old people will compare everything to the past.

so it depends when you jump on the train? very trippy

to much compilations of funny cats? never :D

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its nowhere close to being done yet. anyway nice video i subbed and liked. plz check me out too. thx.

Thanks for your comment. Care to elaborate on why you think so?

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