I have a great deal of respect for Kyle Kuliński.
As a one of the most prominent, self-made news commentator with mostly liberal perspective,
he is yet to be labeled as a far-right, neo-nazi, white supremancist, raciest, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, sexist, you-name-it pig by the marxist SJW types.
A little bit of a unicorn that is, these days.
Everything in it's due time, I suppose.
Perhaps that is because he's yet to stand in direct, vocal opposition to the socialists
Recently Kyle commented on a conversation, if you can call it that, between Joe Rogan of The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast, and Jordan B Peterson.
This is what I think about this carnival of incompetence.
for those who grow impatient with slow buffering
Sorry for low production value.
This is, quite literally, the first time I shot and edit a video.
▶️ DTube
I can't believe you would blaspheme against the messenger of The Great Lobster so casually. Let me gather up my rent clothing and sweep up my torn hair and then I will address this calumny.
First of all Jordan Peterson is on the Joe Rogan show not the annual get together for Philosophers and Political Science Enthusiasts in Bern Switzerland.
Thus his points are being made to an audience steeped in popular culture and in popular culture Fascists/Nazis are right-wing.
I agree that this is a falsehood I personally think that the Fascists were running dog socialists in the employ of the Vatican, but whatever I or you might think popular culture sees it the other way.
In popular culture Nazis are considered the opposite of Communists (Good work COMINTERN) and while Nazis are shunned for their crimes Communists get a free pass with pat on the back and a hearty
"Next time we'll get it right and not kill tens of millions of people"
Well that's my take on the first 5 minutes of the video, I'll listen to the rest later, cheers!
I agree that the accuracy of the information presented on the JRE never was the highest caliber.
That however, even if we overlook the fact that Joe have a fact-checker in his staff, don't excuse the academics from making foolish, ignorant or, even worse, intentionally dishonest statements.
Especially academics, given virtually unlimited time on a highly popular platform like JRE, should present facts and not propagate myths and misconceptions.
If you're an educator, it is my belief, that this kind of display of ignorance is inexcusable.
Peterson is supposed to be this highly intelligent, socially, politically, scientifically and philosophically conscious person.
Yet, time and time again, he's showing none of that.
I'm only hostile to Peterson for that reason, a "fraud" need to be exposed.
If you get to the part where I address what Kyle has to say, you may notice, that I mostly have to defend Peterson.
Also, if you're not familiar with "the Bible Reloaded" but like to laugh at Peterson, you might wanna watch their series where they read and analyse "12 Rules For Life"
Have a good one.
Well I would have to disagree with your assessment of what Jordan is saying while agreeing that you are correct.
By the traditional definition of left vs right, left side of the king being the people's representative and right side the Barons(Land-owning Moneyed class) using that definition Fascists are Centrist Authoritarians.
While JDP often uses a neutral definition based on personality traits where Conservative equals high conscientiousness while Liberal equals high openness .
I think we can agree that the Fascists weren't Liberal by the traditional definition although by the modern definition Hitler the vegetarian animal rights activist would qualify. Conversely to support your point of view marxists aren't exactly liberal either.
For me though the crux of what the Lobster Prophet is trying to teach us is that Compassion in it's extreme form is a vice.
While everyone realizes that the Nazi's "Concern" for the "Aryan" race led to horrible death camps nobody seems to realize that Socialism's "Concern for the "Oppressed" led to even worse death camps plus mass starvation.
I have been pretty angry since I read Gulag Archipelago.
I certainly warmed up to you during the Kyle part and I hope you consider using the #informationwar tag for your posts so I can curate them, cheers!
Thanks for the feedback.
I suppose if we were to converse on specific points in depth, we would come to consensus. I'm not an expert in political sciences and philosophical trends by any stretch of imagination, so I might not be yet very well versed in conveying my thoughts on these subjects. All the isms have definitions and if I get something wrong, that's shame on me.
I looked into IW, and I think I can use it with peace of mind.
Joined the discord earlier.
I don't know the topic of the next entry but I will try to do more, now that I put my face out there. You know what I mean.
Thanks again.
Glad to hear you checked out IW and if a million socialists can't seem to get their ism right there is no pressure on you;]
Jordan Peterson is full of shit, everything he says is basically just his opinion, but the way he speaks he makes it seem like everything he says is based on facts and evidence... this is a pretty good video also explaining how he contradicts himself in that interview
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