DTube - 9/11 Truth: Let's Face The Facts (FULL 2014 DOCUMENTARY)

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

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Here's one of my older documentaries. Enjoyed making it! My equipment wasn't exactly up to date, but all the same, it's a bit of a blast from the past.
See the original article below:

An in depth look into 9/11 truth from the perspective of an expert. Richard Gage AIA of 'Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth' has been an architect for 26 years. He's joined by 2100+ other architects and engineers demanding a new investigation into the events of September 11th, 2001.
This thirty-one minute documentary was made not only to educate on the views of Richard Gage and 2100+ other architects and engineers, but to put a spotlight on what has stemmed from the 9/11 attacks, whether you believe the official conspiracy theory or the better documented (so-called extremist) conspiracy theory.
On March 19th, 2014, Richard Gage came to the city of Winnipeg as part of his ReThink 9/11 Canada Tour stretching through 16 cities. He was kind enough to give us an interview and allow us to film during the eye opening presentation.
You can see our full interview with Richard Gage on our YouTube channel!
Richard Gage has made appearances in Loose Change 9/11: An American Coupe, The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrette, many appearances on the Alex Jones Show as well as written and produced 3 hit documentaries:
9/11: Blueprint for Truth
Architects and Engineers: Solving the Mystery of World Trade Center 7 (which was narrated by Ed Asner)
as well as 9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out

Richard Gage touches on many topics regarding 9/11 bringing great perspective to the conspiracy. We talk about the mainstream media, Larry Silverstein's lease of the World Trade Centers on July 24th, 2001 and his massive insurance payout of over 5 and a half billion dollars. Larry Silverstein also admitted he asked for world trade center 7 to be pulled which would be an impossibility as Richard Gage explains, it would take much longer than an afternoon to plant explosives to pull off a controlled demolition. Thermite that was found on the site as well as nano thermite found in the dust, something that cannot be made in a cave in Afghanistan. Explosives were heard by many. A 47 story building fell at free fall rate straight into it's footprint into a pile of dust because of some moderate office fires. The rubble from the World Trade Center was mostly shipped off to China without any forensic investigation, leading to the question, "Isn't that the destruction of evidence?".
Not only are there thousands of architects and engineers demanding a new investigation, but countless victim family members and first responders are demanding a new investigation as well.
This issue crosses the left right paradigm. It doesn't matter who the puppet in charge is, whether it's Bush or Obama, or whoever's next. The official story of 9/11 could be considered the biggest, most disastrously coordinated lie of the century. Individual liberties are being infringed with the thin veil of securities being shoved down people's throats. Enjoy this documentary, may liberty and freedom serve you well.

▶️ DTube

911 is the one subject that if the truth were known to many the world would change overnight. If only we knew all the Bush family secrets!! That would be a glorious day. Thanks for covering.

Yup, all planned and orchestrated to achieve specific goals.

Thanks it sure was. I share the truth with as many people as possible and I am always amazed by this common response " I just can't believe the government would do that." Well the government did do that. Some days I don't know if I'm madder at the elites or my neighbors that let them get away with all these crimes against humanity.

Just don't think it's you vs the world, there's a lot of stupid people out there who wouldn't know their own shit if they stood in it.

Everything that has happened including and since 9/11 has been disturbing.

It was planned that way.

Dtube is fast runing, the old documentaries are nice to enjoy making it....My equipment also wasn't exactly up to date, I have seen your post and find it good post.and I upvoted you especially for Dtube .

9/11 was in inside job, you can't fool me.

It was a sunny Tuesday morning and I was home on a three day work week ordered from the top office . My Monday was Wednesday . My roommate knocks frantically on my door saying ‘turn on the tv a plane hit the world trade building!’ I thought it was some dumb pilot of a single prop plane lost its headings or something but by the time I turned the TV on I got to see what appeared to be the second jet . I can tell you what I saw but I still can’t remember what I felt ? I was in shock , but even worse as the day unfolded I didn’t exactly know what wasn’t right , but I knew something wasn’t right with all of this . I think I finally realized it when they destroyed the evidence . Then I knew the investigation would be a total BULLSHIT fiction like an ILLUMINATI Hollywood flop ! But really , lets examine this , because what did happen with building # 7 ?! I mean these Dr. Evil types are so smart , they are kings of the world , they plan and execute this elaborate plan but goof when it comes to building # 7 ?!?!?!? Come on ! Someone from within tried sending us a big clue , or at least a sign . This entire thing has holes inside of holes ! Was one of the planes off plan ! ? Was PA crash a shoot down ? The entire operation looks botched to me , and Donald Rumsfeld picking up cruise missiles pieces still is a crime to touch criminal evidence ! But no one has pointed out these inconsistencies . Many more I’m sure , but I just had to share my thoughts about that day . Thank you for your time . Good video . 👍👏

thanks a lot for sharing update news of politics..best of luck..

Very good information,

Definetly will watch when i have time. Any tips to others trying to learn the skill? Seems difficult without the best equipment

I pinned this Video on my IPFS server.

Josh, have you looked into the hollow towers theory? it is INSANE but makes complete sense. essentially the towers were completely inefficient dinosaurs before they were even completed really, and only inhabited by CIA, aand other government agencies and then some real firms on real floors. Their were 24 Local elevators in EACH tower. Imagine getting 50k people in to a football stadium with 24 elevators, the mathe does NOT even work at 75% rate with around 38k people needing elkevators. Then there are OBVIOUS crisas actors. And then the EXPECTED demolition which when I rewatched some of the foia video, I was SHOCKED. It was a hoax I believe. There is lots more too. lol

I watched Richard Gage's representation along with many other architects and pilots. Too many questions that government refuses to answer. For me, the evidences are all plane and obviously contradictory toward official report, the way buildings fell, the impossible speed of planes, the impossible cell phone calls, etc. How could many people so blind?