What's The Best Length For A Udemy Video?

in #dtube6 years ago

Website: http://Courserapy.com

Welcome to the morning Udemy Income report! See how I make money on udemy. Follow along and see my stats, learn about my marketing techniques, and see what's working and what isn't working! In this episode I'll talk about how long your Udemy videos should be. There's a right answer here!


What's going on guys welcome to the daily udemy income report the show where I talk about making money on you to me walk you through what's working for me and teach you how to do the same thing my name is John Elder from Courserapy.com and today is Tuesday January 22nd 2019 in today's episode I want to talk about how long your videos should be for you to me the length so before we do that let's look at yesterday's numbers as we always do so yesterday was the 21st pretty good day we had 20 courses sold 100 dollars and 39 cents and that came to five dollars and two cents per course which is quite a bit up on average from the few days before that 85 dollars and 49 cents big jump in refunds but we're getting towards the end of the month and that's normal now it looks like a lot almost twenty dollars but two or three of them were from the same person and they had bought the

courses at a higher price so my Commission for each one was six dollars so like three of those six dollars that's 18 bucks right there and then there was another one for you know a couple of dollars so that happens often people buy the courses at a higher price and then see them on sale a week later and this refund them that's not sure exactly that's what happened here but it could be wouldn't surprise me reviews only to the review system really quieted down I don't know if it's down or if we just didn't have a lot of reviews well take a look at those in just a minute so a month to date 1620 $1.99 pretty good four hundred and thirty courses sold we still have a week and a half less that's pretty good in the month a review use 165 promotional activities stay the same haven't sent out that next promo email just yet under twelve thousand eight hundred fourteen toll

enrollments and my average rating has popped up again that point zero one whatever to four point five two so yesterday pretty good day very happy with that so let's take a quick look at my profile page on udemy udemy.com /user first last John older three and forty five thousand nine hundred sixty three students thirty-seven courses and two thousand five hundred seven reviews we still have the best seller badge on the post-credits course these two courses have still not regained their highest whatever badge and we could see the sequel course that got highest-rated yesterday is still highest-rated today so that's very very cool good to see that so finally looking at the reviews we only had two yesterday this five star this course gave me a quick understanding of ruby programming language without spending too much time good review and this one four and a half stars very good

this one came in looks like just a couple hours ago we'll talk about that one tomorrow so one last thing before we talk about what I really want to talk about in this video is the YouTube videos the pirated videos that we've been talking about all last week have finally been removed so you can see I hit reload and this is the message you get video no but unavailable it's no longer available due to a copyright claim by udemy Inc as same thing for this one this one and this one so it's interesting that the copyright claim is you to me that means that the very first forum that I filled out you know the udemy forum that you know they have a service that they will take down your stuff for you that was the one that worked now yesterday in yesterday's episode I filed my own takedown request with YouTube directly because it had been like a week and the videos were still up so I

figured I just do it myself but it looks like it's that first one that actually has been processed by YouTube and taken down for whatever reason they just had a backlog or something or they were behind or they're taking a little bit longer to investigate now who knows but it looks like the videos have definitely been removed so that is good so for the rest of this video I want to talk about the length of your videos that you're making for you to me so you want to make a course on udemy or really anywhere you have to make videos and you have to make a decision how long those videos should be now my very first course was Ruby on Rails let's see this one right here and I made this a couple of years ago and the videos were all 15 20 minutes long each now the course itself was like five and a half hours so that worked out okay but I didn't know what I was doing then right now

I very highly recommend that your videos should be no more than three to five minutes each in length right if it goes over a little bit to six seven even eight from time to time that's...

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