Volcanoes and Some Truth About Climate Change

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

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Very clicky but i need u to listen and put it together like im doing in the video. I laughed because its so fooking obvious. Earthquakes can make volcanoes go boom which they have been. But sometimes like in Indonesia there Earth balances itself out. Maybe the earth is balancing itself from Fukushima. This will lead down many roads so which road are you thinking. Or is it man created the eruptions to cool down the globe to tax the air we breath? Whatever the case we know volcanoes cool the earth down and with over 40 eruptions last year wouldn't this be a cause of concern? Wouldn't this help us especially from eating other humans like the msm is claiming. Look out of your airplane window, what do you normally see? Millions upon millions of uninhabited land. Wake up people. You some common sense and this all comes crashing down.
Links from video:

Justus Knight video on Bad Data on Climate change

https://slate.com/technology/2016/08/can-we-use-volcanoes-to-cool-the-earth-off.html https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/07/bill-gates-funded-solar-geoengineering-could-help-stop-global-warming.html?fbclid=IwAR0atD_wYvf7Rcc8Q7JGneBGLlTkDB0Aa_3cF7f51LhK8OG86ha57dBHu8k https://www.forbes.com/sites/robinandrews/2018/10/24/there-are-40-volcanoes-erupting-on-earth-right-now-heres-why-thats-not-strange/

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It can always be great ;)
Respect John!
Good points, Mother Earth balancing herself...
And yes first there was Sound (Phonos...Phono= the
input for my "TurnTables";) and then Light (photons...) True.
We can also balance our own body... and use our godly voice,
to create realities.
We are most probably a hybrid race, because everyone of us
got a reptilian part of the brain in the cerebellum... that's why
she can't "remember" when "she" got mad ;)
And for sure we are godly beings (too).
My philosophy is Heart beats Ego.
Or rather Heart guides Ego.
That's how you start controlling your inner reptile, and
become a real creator again.
"Kill them with Love" ;)
Did y'all / you read:
David Icke Humanity....png

It's only 900 something pages ;)