Anarchast Ep.456
Topics include: YouTubers banned for discussing the recent shooting, gun confiscation in New Zealand right away, suspicious legislation, de-platforming. heavy censorship in NZ and Australia, violent disarmament, false flag conspiracies, they want you to believe it's fake, why is it illegal to watch the shooting video? discrepancies in the video and the official narrative, government lies and misinformation, government is the real threat, think for yourself, support each other, alternative media platforms
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Vinnie Eastwood:
Tickets for Anarchapulco 2020 available here:
Watch the video replays of the TDV Summit and Anarchapulco 2019 here:
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I deleted my google account around a year ago. Already been following Max here and on Bitchute!
I disagree with Max on his assessment of this event (the live-streamed one) as a live shooting with REAL casualties. The live-stream (claims of CGI notwithstanding) strongly evidences a hoax scenario with crisis actors.
The details are debated and rehashed everywhere but the bottom line is that people should continue to be open to the possibilities without condemning arguments otherwise as part of the puppeteers agenda (unless such counter arguments attempt to dissuade people from their own personal analysis/discovery).
Yes, there is a puppeteer agenda... but being open to multiple interpretations and encouraging people to research all angles and think for themselves isn't part of it.
It's too bad YouTube is taking action against Max (or anyone else who exercises open questioning of the MSM narratives) but do we really expect any other result from YouTube these days?
I don't always agree with Max, but everyone should be able to express themselves or their reality fully. Such a shame the good ones get banned.
Only banned from centralized corrupt monopolies. There are many decentralized alternatives, all that is needed is that enough people be made aware of them
Yes, very true.