Will Ads affect the Steem price? [Dtube Inspiration]

in #dtube6 years ago

In this video i talk about ads (again). I recieved some good inputs on my last Ads talking videos i wanted to share with you. Also there is a interesting strategy @yabapmatt wrote in this blogpost: https://steemit.com/@yabapmatt/the-case-for-advertising-on-steem-based-websites

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[this is a dtube exclusive video and one of my Dtube inspiration series where i talk about everything that inspires me and perhaps inspires you. This is produced in collaboration with Linkseven 77 and its Znap project]

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Posted with @steem-plus

My opinion is very different from the majority. The sentiment I read on a lot of blogs seems to be that any measure is acceptable to drive up the price of Steem. I absolutely can't stand advertising... and honestly I think there are a lot of 'alternative' 'left of field' people like myself on steem who will be turned off by advertising. These people may leave or spend less time on steem if advertising becomes the standard on steemit and dapps.

Even when I play devils advocate against myself in the advertising discussion, it I still doesn't make sense to me.

So, if advertising is a 'necessary evil' that will be on our blockchain eventually, surely it should be last resort, instigated from a position of strength. Steem is on shaky ground right now mainly because of the market crash. If steemit.inc or any other dapps enter into negotiations with advertising entities right now, they will be coming from a position of weakness. We have a lot less active users now than 10 months ago. The price of steem is much less than 10 months ago, these and many other factors will mean advertisers can dictate terms. Imagine a steemit with pop up adds or a dtube with ads before videos like on YouTube. We would be selling out in the worst possible way. I guess what I'm saying is that it is a question of timing, I don't want to see advertising at all, but if it is going to happen, right now the state of Steem means the timing is wrong. It is far from a certainty that advertising would drive up the price and even if it did, it would be far less than the momentum that would be generated by the hype of advertisers on steem during a bull market. We have seen with many blockchain projects that developments during a bear market hardly effect the coin price. Whereas in a bull market developments drive news hype and inflates the prices with the overall sentiment.

Also, what will be the future impact on steem if advertisers have to put their budgets into steem now, when it is super cheap, when they inevitably dump huge chunks of Steem in the future when the price is higher? It will cause instability in price then. Sure this is a potential selling point to get advertisers on board... Potential future gains, but all advertisers really care about is views and this is not something steem can offer compared to other social media. Also, I personally hate the idea of advertisers having big influence on this platform (with large steem power) and further watering down the quality of content by influencing people to flood thier feeds with product reviews etc with the promise of large votes. I would urge steemit.inc and any dapp Devs to be very careful in dealing with advertising right now as they will dictate terms and end up taking much more value out than they put in.

We should absolutely not sell our platform to advertisers cheaply at this time.

P.s. although I don't agree with you on this I enjoyed the video Ivan. The editing in the intro is really cool and was a gr8 segway into the subject of the vlog 🙂

thank you Raj808 i see your points and after thinking about them im not 100% go for ads anymore. we sure will pay a price for this. since steem is decentralized and every Dapp cann handle it however they want to we probably will see different models on this free market here. im excited how this will turn out. I made another conclusion video including your feedback. thanks a lot this was inspirational :)

Hi Ivan. Thanks for your thoughtful response and I'm going to go and watch your follow up post when I get back to the homestead 😉

Although I have a very distinct stance on advertising as a whole, I'm completely aware of the realities of our world and the fact that steem may miss out on a lucrative opportunity with advertising, unless they can market lack of adverts in such a way that it brings more value in driving user adoption.

I guess my main point, and what I feel is something that should be seriously analysed, is if now is the right time to engage with advertising agencies.

Anyway, debate is a sign of a healthy community 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

Ads are awesome! The companies have money, and they are more than ready to put up a huge amount to market their products.

If, or when, steem is ready to sell adspace through steem, it will surely skyrocket the currency itself, and steemians can benefit from it.
It all seems so nice and good, but is it?
Of, course no. The potential is there, and with it comes the monetary benefit. But huge companies just do not buy adspace for nothing. Getting ads from huge companies (golden ads i call them) depends on the traffic a website has and the content of the website is also taken into account. More over the payout from golden ads also depends on "impressions", for how long does a user stay on the advertisement after clicking on it.

All in all, ads on steemit currently looks very profitable and a golden opportunity.
and as you mentioned, at the moment its for non-signed up visitors, which is absolutely pleasant for steemians...coz everybody hates ads lol

I wonder will ads somehow force to filter the type of content that goes around on here?

I totally agree. Yes ads would need to target the audience so the content would need better labels/tags but this would help us when searching for stuff (bad example I know but) eg funny cat videos 🤪💕now take you meds from nursery and behave 🤣💊💊💊💊💊

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you Blind-Spot for your opinion! i am agree with you that most of the "golden ads" how you call them will be hard to attract. With different Dapps handling this topic differntly we will probably see different models apear. cheers!

@ivansnz, in my view, there is no guarantee that if we allow advertisement on the STEEM blockchain, it will bring money to the ecosystem which will lead to STEEM price increase. Crypto is in a bear market. Even if we allow adds, it may not help STEEM price grow. The STEEM price will start growing again significantly when the Bear Market ends (even without adds).
I personally don't like adds, but I am not against it. Let's give it a try.

Thanks for the reply @cryptospa i have a similar opinion as yours! im don't like ads but im not against them as slong as they enrich the ecosystem.

Good video ! Like your intro too!
I applaud steem for trying out adds, though I think, I don’t see any of those big companies buying add placements in steem...it would be good though! Most big companies are just realizing Facebook and insta ads and are happy as a mF. The question, I think is, what can be done on steem to make advertisers want to flock ?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey Dmilliz! I think honestly the only reason big companies are not buying ads here is because there were no ads allowed here until a few days ago. I think you asked a really great question which is how can we get the advertisers to flock? My answer lies with us. Power is in the people and the numbers of the people. The more we grow the block chain advertise it with our Twitter etc. engage with users to make them stay then it will be a snowball effect of growth. Advertisers want to sell their products and at the end of the day it is people who buy them. In my opinion they want money and they don’t care if it comes from a D centralized or centralized platform. Money is money and people generate money. So the power rests in the people. We need to get this blockchain flourishing with people and the advertisers will come as well as the angel investors. just an opinion from little old me 😋

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Very true. We are doing the right things now to build the community. we just need to amplify and especially embrace the people just coming in at the these times.

Indeed these companies just want results , we just need to make the soil fertile for them and us to grow.

Good perspective @kawaiicrush

thanks a lot dmilliz! im glad you like the intro :) i am agree the big boys invest in mainstream platforms but will attract the cryptoniche for now i guess. the more we grow the more interesting it gets for the big fishes ;)

Wonderful video! There needs to be a streamlined mechanism to buy steem directly with fiat. I think the hassle of buying bitcoin, exchanges, and transfers will turn a lot of potential advertisers off!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks a lot im glad you like it! you are totally right: when advertisers has to go through the whole exchange hassle that would kill the opportunity!

Great video Ivan, as usual. Informative and inspirational. I agree, forcing the advertisers to invest the budget directly into liquid Steem would make a great impact! Thank you for your thoughts, best greetings from Barcelona

Thanks Ferdinand! exactly thats the idea! we simply "pay" it with our attention.

Great information bro you are always in the vanguard of the crypto thanks for share that info.

Thanks mate! its just exciting how things will turn out :)

@ned seems MIA really, I think the ad network may not last long, expecially if steem prices, goes high again but well it may influence the price of steem in a very unnoticeable manner because I think there are other herculean factors as well. Awesome video as always


Thanks a lot Jose for this useful comment! i can relate to what you wrote, it will really affect the price in a unnoticeable manner!

In my opinion, the presence of advertisements is only to overcome the Steemit.inc crisis, it looks like Steemit.inc is going bankrupt and from ad revenue it will overcome that.

in my opinion it has nothing to do with the price of steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

well if the ads are paid and hold in Steem the price will increase, thats a fact!!

In fact, the presence of advertisements is free of charge for users, this has resembled the behavior of Facebook.

even if the steemit.inc crisis is overcome by the ad's opinion.

In my opinion, the price of steem rose is more influenced by the increasing number of users and investors who come.
But in reality steemit users according to the drastic, even diminishing day by day. I think it's still a long way to dream of steem prices going up.

So, in this case I disagree ...!
Can you give a picture that is more logical?

@ivansnz... I welcome the discussion of this nature... I'm of the belief that:

  • the steem platform is an experiment by it's very nature - melding crypto/decentralization with social media and allowing for ultimate individual creativity... boundless possibilities. I further believe that steemians are curious enough... and entrepreneurial enough... that this will keep coming up until it has had a thorough trial run. I suspect that the sheer number of project ideas and business possibilities in the community will require external capital.
  • there are inherent limitations in growth due to: 1) the current onboarding process for new steemians (when so many "accounts" online are immediate and real-time) 2) separation from fiat (don't misunderstand - this is also a strength) - but I feel it is currently a barrier to more global buy-in from a public which has difficulties seeing outside of the box (the regulated and censored box of "secure" and filtered mainstream content). It's as if the public needs to translate into their "native fiat language" in order to comprehend the value of something
  • injecting capital (via advertising, for example) will ultimately be necessary for growth... BUT we may risk becoming dependent on it... which will jeopardize some of the true benefits of decentralization... i.e. freedom from censure and such
    Just my thoughts, inspired by yours... Thanks!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey @Bimjer thank you for your thoughts! i see your perspective and had to rethink my opinion. with everything we sell (our attention) we pay a price as well. especially because decentralization is the exact oposite, or should be, of beeing ependent from a centralized organisation!

Great discourse! I appreciate this forum Very much…. Because some of the topics are so Novel… Even in our modern and technological culture… That there is no precedent on which to base our decisions and such…

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Making advertisers use steem to advertise instead of bitcoins or fiat would impact steem price a lot in my opinion

Posted using Partiko Android

absolutely it would have an impact!