
I watched the video! it took me around 20 min or so, but I succeeded. You are a natural! You born for the cameras. Nice work and great review! Love the bottle, btw! Congrats!

Wow, I don't know how you are able to steem (and survive in general) with such a slow internet connection 😁 Thank you so much for the kind words!

It's awful (and expensive!!!) and that's why I'm limited all the time to be connected. I always dream of going abroad. But, you know, surprisingly, the Internet in Japan was no big deal either. It was fast, but not available in most of the places... So I'm back to the lousy Internet connection and doing my best with it. Cheers, my friend!

Cheers @nolasco, I hope you had a nice weekend :)

Bulgaria rocks when it comes to Internet price, availability and speeds 😁

Wow, maybe I have to move to there ;)... This makes me really jealous!
And the weekend is almost there again, sorry for the late reply, my friend! I would Steem all day if I could! Cheers and happy end of the week!

Ah there are also some cons of living in Bulgaria :)) Haha
Don't worry, I am not super fast with my replies either! Happy end of the week :)

As everything in life... ;) Happy weekend, here is a long one!