
They have to remain agile and responsive to market demands or else they die.

Lots of current first movers in the tech space are simply growing by sheer weight and their debt loads will cause them to collapse in coming years. Uber, Netflix, etc. might have been among the first of their kind but missteps and competition will destroy them.

And Facebook wasn't the first social media website, and even FB is currently in decline.

Companies aren't sustainable if they have to burn massive amounts of cash just to gain and retain customers. We should not follow in their footsteps.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

The company Valve comes to my mind. They never advertised Steam, and it is literally King today of the video game marketplace. Gabe Newell talked about not needed to advertise because word of mouth was more powerful when the features worked and are what people wanted.

Yeah, it's a good example of your original statement that quality products and features attract and retain customers. We need to attract users who would be here even if payouts were 0, and that simply won't happen in this current environment. Content consumers are the backbone of social media, we're trying too hard to sell everyone and their mother on the idea that they can make money producing content. That's just wrong-minded and the economics simply don't work that way.

totally, i still have and rely on my youtube channel for income, i am getting in on the ground floor here,.. in hopes that it will become something, i know nothing of BC or crypto, but i am guessing that i will learn when the time comes, right now just investing time and effort into here while i have nothing else better to do, better than playing the slots!