in #dtube7 years ago

This is my personal series of some interesting adventures in my life. I hope you enjoy my reality cause that's what this is.

So last week I had a meeting with an agent around YKC. He asked me to chill at Kilimanjaro fastfoods while he rounds up with the client he had (by the way never go on a stroll with a Port Harcourt property agent). I sat there looking at the attendants like they were about to come ask me why I wasn't taking anything- those girls can stare! Good thing I was sitting at a vantage point where I had full view of the attendants and also the door to know when Mr. Agent comes in, as if I know what he looks like. Just when I was about to call the guy out of impatience something happened.

She had dimples impressed on her face as deep as the size of a palm kernel, her smile did justice in flaunting her small but pointed nose. It was like the say in the movies, everything was still and I couldn't even hear air around me - that might be gibberish but that's how I felt. I don't know how many times this could happen to someone but this was a first for me cause I was magnetized by this pretty damsel. If only she didn't notice my mouth wide open staring at her, she wouldn't have walked to my table.

Joy: Hi
Me: huhn
Joy: My name is Joy.........
I was so overJOYed that I just kept smiling at everything she said until Mr. Agent came and interrupted. I explained to her that I had to go but wished I could call this thing off but not until we exchanged numbers and fixed a real date for Sunday. I noticed Mr. Agent was winking at me all through not knowing I was extremely mad at him for showing up at the wrong time. Maybe that's why I didn't like any of the houses he showed me.

Fast forward to Sunday..... I was just hyperactive and gingered like a secondary school child falling in love for the first time..... Wait, was I in love? Anyway, I made my way to YKC again as Joy was already waiting for me. Port Harcourt hold up na Rubbish plus Rumuokoro was took awhile to pass because a policeman killed a cab driver but that's story for another day. I got to Kilimanjaro and GUESS what I saw?

To be continued.......

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed that. Your feedbacks will be encouraging. And remember to UPVOTE.

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