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RE: NZ shooting Helmet Cam Uncut Uncensored Video WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT!!

in #dtube6 years ago

Actually....he says he didn't do it for notoriety in his "manifesto" if that's even his. Regardless, it's too late. I doubt very much I will come close to rivaling the "fame and notoriety" he's already gotten from MSM in the last 10 hours alone. Further, I see no disrespect in showing those who are living what could happen to THEM if they're not prepared (as these people clearly weren't). Fish in a barrel is what they were..and that is how they died. And it's a damn shame. EVERYONE should see this and learn from the mistakes of those who met their fate unnecessarily at the hands of a psychopath.

Imagine if just two people set up in the far corner with their weapons trained at the doorway. As soon as the gunman entered he would have been met with a hail of bullets instead of the whimpering cries of a room full of unarmed, helpless victims.

Shielding people out of "respect" is why we have censorship. So...I disagree with you. This has EVERYTHING to do with the deadly idea of censorship and NOTHING to do with disrespecting the dead or their families. TRUTH is truth and reality is reality....and showing everyone this reality should serve to reveal the absolute IDIOCY of "gun control" (PEOPLE control).


Congratulations youve been flagged for being a moronic conspiracy beliving piece of shit. Go fuck yourself retard!

check this out this came out during the shootings its like a production film with sound track and poeple must have gone home to clean up the blood they were covered in

Congratulations youve been flagged for being a moronic conspiracy beliving piece of shit. Go fuck yourself retard!