DTube 0.3: This update contains so many new features I could not find a good title for it

in #dtube8 years ago (edited)

Things are starting to settle down here for the DTube project. Many of the networking issues seem to be resolved with the automatic gateway system and viewing videos seems to be comfortable as long as the video bitrate is lower than the connection max speed. Issues are clear now, some are easy to fix, some are harder, but overall the minimum viable product seems to be viable. I believe it's now about time to introduce some features that will improve the user-experience this time around in 0.3.

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Great that you are improving the website. I love DTube and it is fantastic that you are working hard on it. But the only feature that I would need to touch DTube again is an upload bar with the remaining percentage and an estimated time. I will not go through hell again with just a circle rotating giving absolutely no clue when the upload is done. I guess you guys have 100MBit upload and don't care about that at all because your videos take 10 seconds to upload. Well, mine take about 2 hours to upload and it is always a guessing game whether the upload is actually still going on or not. It has been frustrating for someone with slow internet like me.

Snarky barky, but good point.

Yeah, it might have been a bit rough but it is the truth! I am really waiting for this feature and I am producing videos every day. It is a quite a bit of money that DTube is loosing just by me not posting there anymore. And I am sure I am not the only one.

So you're issue is not knowing if the video is still uploading. Fair does it now that makes sense. Technically you could figure it out for your own as you just go to Task Manager or Wire Shark, check the Ethernet connectivity and see if there is a high upload usage. If not, it's pretty evident that something has happened.

For me, a progress indicator will give clarity if the upload is happening however you're problem is not clarity but rather that the upload might not work. This therefore means we need a way to prove over and over again that DTube doesn't have upload errors anymore.

I need clarity. When I look in my upload window after four hours and the circle is still spinning and there is no indication that anything is going on then I either continuewaiting or I give up. And even with my slow connection it shouldn't take that long.

then more better you change your internet provider to the fast one cause it not Dtube problem if you using a slow internet access.
your neighbour,

I live in Costa Rica and I use the fastest internet available to me. I would literally pay a fortune for good internet but it is not possible here. There are fiber connections coming to this country but only if you live in a major city. And yes, it IS DTube's problem because they loose money for not offering a loading bar. So obviously you are not my neighbour or you would suffer from the same slow connection.

Ah @flauwy I feel you pain, we have the same problem, in the same boat here on South Africa. Some areas are on fiber optic and flying the rest of us just sit and watch spinning circles.

I am feeling y'alls pain as well! I am in Gun Barrel City, Texas and it is a small city southeast of Dallas about an hour and half. I am just thankful for what I do have. It sure beats the days of dial up. I slow myself down by having 10 or so tabs open at once. Ms. Joan isn't it kind of strange that you mention fiber optics and not satellites? Also, they keep adding cell towers and fiber optic. Just makes me wonder why we aren't using the satellites that are supposed to be up there?

Yeah, it is a slow development. But rest assured that in a few years we all walk through 5G radiation wherever we go and speed is the last thing we worry about.

This comment recieved an upvote from bleekpatterson . If you would like to recieve upvotes from bleekpatterson on all some of your posts, simply FOLLOW @bleekpatterson

Hey guys...

I really like what I've been reading about DTube. But I tried making a DTube account and wasn't able to. I am shifting away from YouTube and Facebook as of recently so I would really appreciate a platform of which to share videos. If anyone could answer some questions and help me with DTube I could reward them with sharing and promoting their posts on my minds.com account which would guarantee that thousands of people will see their post.

Thanks, Darien Parlick


There is no such thing as a DTube account yet. You need a Steemit account to use DTube.

Ok, I am seriously lost here, I have Steemit, yet have never been able to even access Dtube, can anyone provide steps on which browser or why I am not able to even see Dtube at all? Whether is is following someone's link or manual typing in the address bar (firefox) nothing comes up at all? Been trying this since Aug. and would love to be adding some @WellnessHero content there. Anyone, please help! Gratitude for being nice to my technology abilities...

And if you forget you uploaded and you come to late for some reason it behaves like you didn't uploaded at all and you must upload again...

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Hey, we're working on getting the progress info added to the js-ipfs-api package. I'll poke around and make sure it happens asap.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

that would be top awesome!! at the moment i am uploading my first video here and only God knows if it is still working or it is frozen :))))

When would #dtube videos become embed-able on Steemit and everywhere?

The dtube embedding instruction above did not work. it says it's invalid/unsupported.

Thank you so much

What he said

What they all said

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yay, thank you @heimindanger. I'm sorry to rumble around here but you need to make some noise to get heard. Sorry that you have to redo the entire page.

I am looking forward to upload Steemy Episodes to DTube again.

I am glad I could contribute to DTube by creating the polish translation. Have my polubienie, buddy!

Thanks for that, upvoted! :)

You are great! :)

Yes dtube will be next youtube i think!!!

Mark me words here!!!!

Steemit for ever!!!

Nice Post!!! Keep up the good work!

Thanks for sharing! ;o)

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Nice, keep it up! Dtube will rock, next year! Keep up the good Work!

It may be good time to learn english. You can't afford translation of every video to 100's of languages. I think those who born after 1980 was born with understanding what function has PLAY button.

It's fairly obvious that a simple translation of the website is far from translating all of the videos on the website. Get a life buddy, internalization is important on the path of making DTUBE a more mainstream platform.

Hello stranger - english is international language. I think, it would be bigger addition to the international, planetary, or world union if someone who don't know english start learning this language and share with internet his knowledge.

Please look at all of the most influencial websites in the world, not counting the porn/adultry industry, and tell me how many of them are not translated in any way. Also, you most likely don't want to exclude older people. To give you an example, my father was born in a post-communistic society where instead of english everyone was taught russian as their second language, resulting in him only recently trying to catch up on it.

I agree with you dailydogger the world is so diverse English maybe is like the Latin in Roman Empire times but still there are so many people that does not read or speak english.... so they will benefit from this translation effort too. check the world!

How does it would be beneficial for them to learn english or use google translate? It's way more usefull

OMG a DAWGG! So awesome! Are you human free or have a slave like me? Who's a good boy? We are!! Plus, nice work...bilingual? Nice, show those humanz how it's done! Paws up!

polski?! have u ever played tibia?


of course I did. BR BR BR BR ???

haha r u seirous? many polskies used to play back then.. great game

The future of Dtube is neigh.

Po Polsku? No to jest super!

I agree. this is really interesting
if you can join here

Awesome stuff!!!
Thank you

Excellent man.

Hi, great to hear about so big progress! :)

BTW, I would like to let you know, that I just added your DTube to Steem Apps directory which will be published soon as SteemProjects initiative:


I hope, that there will be many updates about your projects in the future :)

 8 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Possible to start a progress bar? Also save partial files as it uploads? I'm on my 4th upload attempt of a 20 minute video. It's timing out each time. In the past it was always working on the 2nd attempt. Annoying since it takes 30+ minutes each time to wait to see if it'll upload properly.

I was each confused
to login to Dtube ...
me right now
still rely on
youtube ..
several times i try
still fail. I have not

New UI. The current one really sucks. Sorry to be so blunt. But this is what's holding it back at this point. Please see if you can find a professional UI designer.

Dtube has a great potencial, because even if it grows as yutube, it is not gonna get advertisement as Youtube, I mean that could be the breaking point to migrate to dtube, but the platform needs keep developing to get a good maturity as youtube.

Maybe you could give more precise suggestions.
How would you see it ?

I wouldn't even know where the start. I'd delete the current one entirely though and start from scratch.

Since it's a new content distribution concept I'm pretty sure most of the focus was about making the thing work in the background that having a nice UI

I would love to see a "Complete Idiot's Guide to making an IPFS D-Tube Server." Namely because I am a complete idiot and would love to set up a D-tube server!

Love the fire in your belly.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

I'm also very seriously considering setting up one myself. I'll contact you too. Though I've seen the guide by @blueorgy which would probably be enough.

Well it does need a bit of tweaking as @heimindanger have discussed but for all who are curious https://steemit.com/dtube/@blueorgy/my-local-dtube-ipfs-is-up-and-running-1tb-help-decentralize-dtube

This comment recieved an upvote from bleekpatterson . If you would like to recieve upvotes from bleekpatterson on all some of your posts, simply FOLLOW @bleekpatterson

You, sir, are changing the world.

Je suis tellement content qu'on puisse embed des vidéos DTube. J'ai déjà essayé d'en incorporer une à mon projet et ça fonctionne super bien, et en plus de ça c'est beau ! Continue le bon boulot !

I'm so happy we can now embed DTube videos. Already tried it on my project and works like a charm, and it's looking good too ! Good job, keep up the good work !


Le même problème se produit lorsque la vidéo est terminée, pas les vibrations mais la barre de navigation apparaît.

Je suis donc allé voir sur le site source pour embed et le problème s'y trouve aussi. Vu que c'est un problème de width ça peut se fixer facilement avec un overflow: hidden sur le tag body, à toi de voir si tu veux t'intéresser au problème de plus près tout de suite, en attendant le simple fixe d'overflow sur le tag body devrait fonctionner (j'ai testé sur le site en question). En dehors de ça, rien à redire, c'est top !Edit: je me permets de te tagger @heimindanger pour te faire part d'un petit problème que j'ai rencontré avec l'embed. Lorsque la vidéo joue il est possible de faire bugger l'interface en survolant l'endroit que je montre ci-dessous.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Hi hemindanger! hope my small contribution to the spanish translation help spanish speaking users to adopt Dtube faster!!

Dtube is way better than Youtube already...

Philosophically for sure.

So, what is the optimal bit-rate for Dtube? I produce a lot of full-hd videos with high bit-rates but on my first attempt yesterday a lot of people had trouble viewing it, as you noticed.

What's the best target range or what's the ideal rate to use that will make things nice and smooth for the viewers?

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Can't wait until the day we get to select quality. You're doing an awesome job though.


nice keep on trucking my friend

Congratulation @heimindanger for your hard work. Welcome to other team members @hightouch @steeminator3000 and @superkoala

The language updates will go a long way in helping our international Steemit compares to start transitioning from YouTube to Dtube. Great update.

I'm looking forward to integrating dtube videos to my @folderall.net project - eventually the goal would be to have all content there from IPFS and decentralized media places. There's an issue however with videos eventually not being hosted anymore. Have you thought of a way already for popular videos to lenghten the hosting time like reposting the content once it reaches the end of hosting time so people can upvote it again?

The goal for my site would be to store content for years or for decades even.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

The latter option is what I wanted to hear. Thank you for your work!

very nice! does steemit.com support the dtube embed codes yet?

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Oh ok - I used videojs on ureka.org for the embeddable player - I had to play around a lot with CSS settings to get the player to render correctly on all screen sizes.. but it is possible! just!

@heimindanger I'm experiencing some issues reaching video specific links on DTube. I've sent you a DM on Steemit.chat.

Update: Problem solved. Had a great talk.

That's lovely keep it up man
I need u guys to help me out am new here @theojulius1996

Have a few videos posted already and its one heck of a smooth process. I think my last load was around 30 seconds including title description and video load. NICE!

in the morning(gmt) yes, in the evening not so good

Hello !
Je vais sans tarder recevoir mon S8... Et à nouveau pouvoir profiter de DTUBE.


J'ai hate de découvrir Dtube à nouveau... Je suis certain que c'est un excellent travail !

;-)D'avance bravo @heimindanger

you have my upvote. I know steem community will be something in the near future because of talented people like you using this platform.Really great man.Resteemed it

This comment recieved an upvote from bleekpatterson . If you would like to recieve upvotes from bleekpatterson on all some of your posts, simply FOLLOW @bleekpatterson

DTube and DSound are greats!! Anyway it's a big paradox that we still don't have a DImages or DDocs!! :-)

Even DSound and DTube are kinda hard sells.... but DImage... why not go straight to DPic?

D...pic, What could go wrong?

Hahah! That was priceless!

Well, it's in the aether now...
Just a matter of time ^_^

This is awesome! You guys are doing great work to give us a solid platform! Continued luck and success!!

Oh yes. Amazing Progress!

Tremendous steps to alpha ver!

Dude, you have done incredible work by contributing DTube to the Steemit ecosystem. There is a potential vision of Steemit in which it becomes almost an Internet unto itself and, if that ever comes to pass, your creation of DTUBE will be one hell of a building block.


Am a Youtube Content Creator, with the recent happenings on Youtube i think this is the best platfotm. Am in on this. Nice work.

My witness application post is here.
Thanks!hey @heimindanger - i'm the guy who made the dark theme for DTube a while back. I'm campaigning for witness votes right now - it would be really helpful if you would consider voting for as a winess.


You got my Croatian translation over the chat. Good work!

I have been following the development for a while now and I'm happy that's it's very active and fast. Keep up the good work.

My steemit friend @pisolutionsmru is a fan of dtube i am sure that he will love your article.. I followed you :)

"overall the minimum viable product seems to be viable".

Ha - the governing principle of my life! ;-)

I have a problem on dtube where I cannot log in with my steem password

It seems that I missed much of DTube's progress, reading your post made me want to try it, thank you @heimindanger

Cool. I don't have an account yet with DTube, I post content on YouTube, but it's good to know what's going on. I feel that some of the YouTubers who I follow might switch soon because of the content they share and YouTube's controversial rules that impeded on free speech.

me several times
try login dtube
but can not. I have not understood
how to upload video there
How to?

Great works and I honored the participant as translator a little. I keep doing with support.And Use this Dtube service while speaking this service.

@heimindanger Will it be possible to ever get a variable speed playback? A few people I've talked to have requested it because they like to watch informational videos at 1.5x

Noob Cat is pleased! Thank you for the honesty and specifics. Following you? You can bet your bazingas!
Also here, have some paws:

Nice! Although I'm not on DTube yet, I am going to join very soon and start posting videos. The site is very responsive but still needs a bit of polishing here and there. I know you guys are working very hard. Thank you!

P.S: I think I will be posting videos mainly on programming languages, maths tricks and geeky stuffs. Let me know whether you guys want videos like that.

Just uploaded new videos today thank you so much! Full up vote!

I'm looking forward to the future of dtube, this might be a solution to the problems youtube has created... (indirect/passive creator censorship by preventing ad income)

Good luck :)

Damn, this will surely surpass YouTube soon!

Great share and cant wait to hear more about this great project. I love crypto follow me for free steem.

Making improvements one at a time. We all appreciate your hard work and effort in this project.
I'm having some issues with uploading videos from my GoPro (just got it) where is a good place to discuss this issue and find a resolution. Maybe my handbrake settings are off or something. Keep up the great work!!

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks for the info👍🏻👍🏻 Can that be set manually on handbrake? If so what bit rate is recommended?

Thank you so much for this info, @heimindanger - I've been trying and failing to upload a couple of mp4s but one of them is 1.5Gish and the other problem is presumably also crashing due to the bitrate. What bitrate do you recommend, please? Thanks again - kudos to you for doing this: you rock! :o)

Exciting times for sure, thanks again for all the labour you have been putting into this! I LOVE DTube and use it religiously. It's just going to get better and better.

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