
are you saying that you want money or are you saying that you should be known by others to get some money? anyway, I'd advice to work harder and create something valuable. Otherwise your work looks like a regular spam.

Those 2 reasons are very valid... This steemit platform solves those 2 issues effectively... here you can know him and also you can send him money...

For whatever reason, your videos didn't work very well (I run Safari).

However, in your book "The Closer's Survival Guide" you stated why people didn't have money. 1.) They are dreamers, and NOT doers. 2.) Lack of motivation/not wanting it bad enough/lack of conviction in one's self. And well, needless to say your book WORKS, if one is willing to GO OUT AND GET it, and work for it. Nothing in life is handed to you.

Upon listening to your audiobook in-between clients and studying, it definitely boosted my closing ratio & gross profit per sale (automotive).

so true, right on point.