Let me share my experience about publish0x
After few weeks that i was useing it and i try to withdraw my bat tokens they blocked my account.
I sent them a email that i am sure this is a mistake.
They replied me the rules and that i should read it.
Funny but i didnt find nothing that i had done against they rules and i told them in my next email.
Since that time no reply and my account is still blocked.
Just in case i sent one more email. That was already 3 days ago and still no reply.
So that is publish0x or at least my opinion.
Posted using Partiko Android
Wow really? I have contact with the owner and I'd be happy to help solve this for you. I did note that they do have more centralized moderation but that seems egregious. Contact me on telegram (@scottcbusiness), discord (ScottCBusiness#5242), or email me at scottcbusiness@protonmail.com
Thank u in advance. I will email u and i try to copy also the emails i get from them.
Posted using Partiko Android