
Hello @frutarianism, you are giving amazing advice to the community, I agree that it is very important to change to a plant based diet, and it is also very important to eat the gifts that mother nature gives us. I love fruits, vegetables, seed, cereal, legumes, plants, and mushrooms. I believe that people is too used to cooked food, and fruits and veegtables are supposed to be eaten raw to have all the nutrients on our bodies. But still it is great that so many vegan cheffs have created amazing vegan meals to make more people want to eat vegan food, because what makes the dead animal of the boy taste good, were the condiments, so that is why many cheffs can even imitate meat or cheese flavor. Condiments are amazing. I studied Trophology when I started to become a vegan because I wanted to know how to eat without meat and be healthy and strong as a vegan. I eat fruits and juice in the morning, vegetables, seeds, legumes and mushrooms in the afternoon and night. But I have had raw days. But I really like to eat all my complete nutrients because every goft of nature gives us unique vitamins and minerals.

Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience with everybody, I think that if eveyrbody planted their food it would be easier to be more a fruitarian person.