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RE: Introduction Video - Nowhere To Go But Up

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Nice glasses man!
Very fashionable!!!

Looks like this could be fun to follow,
I would just keep it "open" and just do what ever you feel everyday.

Like if you are depressed and hung-over just do like a video on hang-over cures, if you are traing "Muay Thai" just do a video about things relating to exercise etc...

Best of luck!



Yeah, I mean the point is to just keep doing it every day regardless. I don't want to restrict myself to one niche in case I get bored and want to do something else. I'd rather just commit to making one per day and giving myself the flexibility to do it however I want.

You're saying do like a vlog of what I do with my day? I may do some of those. Did that in the past and it's 4 hours of editing a night on a good night. We'll see. Anyway, thanks.

Hmm, I would suggest to try to keep it raw and uncut (K.I.S.S.*), those 4 hours of editing that you mentioned could probably be used for better things, even though it would be cool to see you actually do things, it would be equally cool to just see you talk/rage about the things/events that happened, like if you are upset complaining about someone or something, (then you're very funny man) or just talking about why you like to drink coffee at some local place, or maybe a mini-interview now and then...
( * Keep It Simple Stupid, its a method, so no offence). Okay best of luck man!!! Hope to see more @Yallapapi adventures soon!!!


Yeah you might be right. I used to make videos in the past and would edit out all of the ums and ahs takes a while. I’d add music and shit too, b reel, transitions.. it wasn’t hard, just took forever. We’ll see. Thanks for the feedback tho

Yeah, we rather have you running around doing crazy stuff and travel the world then to have you editing for hours and hours everyday!!!