This was our first.
Her streemian was still voting for folks.
I could be wrong but doesn't the internal market follow the external market due to arbitrage profits when it differs?
The relation between the prices of steem and sbd should be reflected by the internal price?
I'm glad you aren't scared of hitting the controversial topics.
Contrarians and dissenters don't find much support here.
Only 'popular' and 'noncontroversial' content gets voted by the gangs.
Wow that's really sad. She sounds like she was a really great person. Depression on top of other difficult life circumstances can be a total shit sandwich. I feel for her on so many levels. That was a really heartfelt write up you did. I don't think I could bring myself to write about my friend, even after all this time, but I suppose it's because I am tormented by the constant "if she did it, then so could I." We had the same family issues, health problems, etc. and I never imagined she would go through with it. Knowing that she did, it always terrifies me that I could too. It only takes everything aligning just right sometimes I think. Just the right things to combine the mundane with something that takes you just past your breaking point. Life is so hard, you are so right, we just need to be kinder to each other.
Rule by force is the disease, love is it's cure.
That wasn't my write up, I only knew her from here, and then only after she made her decision to cross over.
I looked into her after getting some votes, and having heard of her tragic passing, I had to figure out the conflict in my info.
I sure hate it, empathy can be a bitch.
Like you, I think if only,...
Her torment is over now, at least there is that.
"Rule by force is the disease, love is it's cure" ..beautiful sentiment, too bad it has never worked in my life time. Greetings!
Things dont work until they do. It also has never worked in any past lifetimes that i have read about, at least not long enough to stop a repeat in cycle, but since the theory has been tinkered with and come back to so often, I at least have some hope that it may find a workable form 🤓
We are more likely to be lied to rather than informed that peace is an option.
Where it does work is more likely to be bombed than reported.
True, but 'we' is still a collective term meaning 'us' as a species not just 'us' the laboring/lower class . There is no inherent differences between 'them' the ruling class who have the ability to withold options, and 'us' the ruled. The choices they make that are negative we would see most people make if they got to switch power placements. Also, I havent seen anything inherently noble about humans in the lower class, as soon as they are given the option to step on a neighbors head to get out of the pit of poverty and become an entitled dick in the rulling class, most do. Not all, but most still. There may be some more kindness or humility or resilencey in the lower class, but those are often developed by nurture not nature. So the bad news when I think about this is: we dont have any available options yet, because there is basically no one that can be in power for very long without becoming the very thing they raged against (and with reason). The good news is this: there is the very strong possibility that if we changed our organizational patterns we would change these other patterns. Now HOW....🤔 that is the great experiment being played out all over the world and throughout history. And to properly experiment you need to stop repeating the same conditions and being frustrated at the same results.
All the more reason to abandon crapitalism, the incentives are to screw everybody to reward yourself.
Better to keep working, but to stop paying.
The workers already do all the work, why they insist on playing along with the banksters to buy that work back at a loss is beyond me.
It is a testament to how effective the flashylight box, and skools, are at controlling the minds of the masses.
On any given Tuesday the workers can keep working, and stop paying.
This short circuits the bankster paradigm most elegantly.
We only have to make the workers aware that they have this option.
We have made them aware, but two generations later they forget again. What to do about this ...
I felt that way when Robin Williams died. Most were sad from the outside but I felt what it took for him to get there and also a little bit of "well he has peace now, god, good for him" sort of like "well at least one of us gets a break". I also had a good old friend I hadnt talk to in several years, named Fury. I have been in an almost year long depression and during worst time I thought of him, like I was in a different dimension and I could feel that he was there too. I heard that I needed to call him, but I was too deep, and I dont like to risk making people feel worse . He passed in his bed two days later of an overdose and it didnt surprise me, although it still hit me in the gut like frieght train. I am pretty empathetic person, and I believe there is for sure some sort of energetic langauge that we are communicating with others, just not sure if we are developing that sense more strongly or losing it as a species 🤔