Vlog 176: The rise and rise of STEEM.

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Last night when I woke up I made the mistake of checking my phone at 2 am.

When I saw the Steem price I just could not sleep anymore.

What a rise. A new all-time high for STEEM.

At 5 am I actually went downstairs. I decided to go for a walk with my dog.

I needed to clear my head.

My dog is 12 years old and was in deep slumber on the couch.

He looked at me like I had lost my mind when I asked him to go out with me at that hour. lol.

We walked for an hour and after I could sleep a little bit :)

STEEMPRICE: $5.50 from $3 yesterday.

My brother called me this morning

As you know he recently invested into STEEM and well....what can I say...Perfect timing!

He among many are asking themselves where this rise comes from.

I think it's been building for a while.

Steempower is in high demand and also the liquid amount of STEEM has been going down for months.

I wrote about both these things.

I often say all you have to do is wait.

And in this case, it was just waiting for more buyers than sellers.

Also, this is the best blockchain, with the most transactions and no fees.

And with SMT's coming soon it will only increase demand for Steempower. (bandwidth on the network).

The high STEEM price is welcoming.

Because the STEEM blockchain is the only blockchain that I know that you can monetize by not only creating content but also through the development of apps and frontends.

Development is key to the growth of the Steem blockchain and that has now become a lot easier to afford.

What a start of 2018!

I talk about it more in my vlog.

I am a witness with our developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.

We build Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

Get it Here:

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It broke the 4$ barriar that it was pushing for the past few days. It has been explained by many top investors like @cryptopassion.

The vlogs of @exyle are always amazaing

Enjoy the vote and reward!

I can't thank you enough for your strategic position to buy when Steem was under $1. I bought as much as possible and am thankful. I owe my results to your VLOG.

Thank you, man! That's really nice of you to say! Happy new year!

@doctorjohn is right.

All 'we'needed to do was visit your vlogs for the past 6/7 months and listen.

The way you spoke about the Blockchain with excitement and knowledge was enough encouragement for me to continually drip-feed fiat into the network, and continue trying to produce content that I enjoyed.

Now we start to see the fruits of our labour :)

Thanks man!

Yeah, it is true but we must admit that history of the steem for the last couple of weeks and fluctuation must make us think how it will fluctuate in the future. Will it go back down to low value?

its likely to correct again but it will definitely rise again and beyond $5 . this period is simular to the period before ethereum's exponential growth in 2017. SMT's are going to exponentially increase the demand and value of this platform in 2018. this is a social media platfrom that pays everyone that's groundbreaking.

Truely , hets hope for better future .
Keep on steeming.

Wait is a luxury in the crypto world. Time goes one way so does steemit.
Steem has proven something this morning out of proportion.
Keep on coming with the video blog.

It's been a good morning for STEEM indeed :)

The road for steem is well set to a target of 10 usd and more and steem has this gift for all steemians in 2018.

Thank you @exyle and Have a great day.

I think it definitely has to do with the liquid steem decreasing. Have you saw this site? Its great for coin information and of course Steem is tops!


Good indication that we are going for a run pretty soon. What we see this early morning was a taste.
Thanks for sharing.

yeah, I know it very well! It one of my favorite sites since I discovered it :)

I should have known! :O)

I can't believe I only just found out about it, its great for the percentage of transactions as well as everything else

I saw your shared video, your channel subscribed to it, the information was very expensive. You are really a great man. @exyle

New to me bookmarked!

It was really a pleasant surprise and the best New Year gift one could expect...Congratulations @exyle on being one of the big supporter of this great platform.

A great start of the year indeed and thank you!

This is just the beginning , we can expect many more pleasant surprises through out 2018....

Totally agree with you, my friend, that the price is very happy! This new upsurge of the STEEM causes everyone to have a greater interest and pushes more people to invest in the STEEM. You were absolutely right that you advised your brother to buy a STEEM and it turns out with profit! Very nice starts the New Year! Thank you Mark and keep us informed of what's happening!

Thank you, man!

Sup dude ! Havent dropped by in quite a while, wishing you Happy New Year from Malaysia !!

While the increase in steem price is welcomed, I find myself less bothered by the movements so much these days, growing immune to the volatility lol.

First off Congrats to all the steemians on achieving this Massive milestone. The people who are silent steemians (Your Brother, I read that blog too) would be too happy at the moment. It was $6.5 an hour ago. I have already read your blogs where you have predicted about the high rates of steem & SBD. Anyways all the very best for your great research and stay blessed @excyle.

Wow!!, it was a great surprise when I woke up this morning and saw steem price has rise to $5.50, I quickly call my friend @bait002 to see what's going on.
I will say it's a good start for steem this new year.
Thanks @exyle for sharing.

Hey @exyle - what great news to wake up to in this second day of 2018! I think $10+ is certainly a distinct possibility this year :D

Keep Steeming!

Hey man! Great news indeed and Happy new year!

Good morning Mark, I hope you find a bit rest after this short night.
On the other hand; it would be good to have many many more from those nights.

I sure believe we all could get used to it 😉

STEEM has been undervalued and it is about time that we go higher. STEEM also solves real-world problems, specially in third world countries. This might be just a beginning. Fasten your seatbelts, it is going to be a wild ride:).

Most definitely! I think a lot of investors have gotten used to currencies which do not actually serve a purpose. Now they're waking up:)

Awesome start to the new year, there is general feeling of "we were right all along and steem will go to the moon" , a great gift to all who stuck with the platform. You will be a steem millionaire soon ;)

It was extremely a wonderful shock and the best New Year blessing one could expect...Congratulations @exyle on being one of
the enormous supporter of this incredible stage.
Upvoted and resteemed

you are right, what a fantastic start to the year, even if this just stays around these levels for a few months it's real proof that the blockchain works, does what it says it can do and it can compete with the best of the blockchains out there -- the no fees thing is huge, i've never had an issue with transfers and transactions. that alone is one reason to get on the steemit platform in my mind.

i just online now and first read the post of your sweet mom @clio and she say very well about u and praised about u and about your this vlog,
so i comon your vlog and i also know now to rise up of steem to watch your vlog and i m agree with u and also i m happy like everyone and its too good that u talk about your brother again he is very interesed now in crypto..
also thanx to say more about steem it will go rise up more and some about bcz the SMT coming soon be happy always with your mom she love you so much and say if @exyle happy i m so happy to see him happy

if the steem price is so high, how come that is not showing in the account valuations in our wallet? I honestly don't know, which is why I am asking.

The account value in your wallet is based on the average price of STEEM over 3.5 days. ($2.92 currently). It will go up if STEEM stays this high.

ps. Would you consider voting for our witness @blockbrothers?

Thank you for the clarity @exyle, this was my concern also until I read this from https://steemnow.com

The average Steem price, being used to calculate payouts.

Haha, never check your phone at night; if the price is going up, it's a mistake, and if the price is going down, it's a mistake.

The end result is always no sleep.

You are 100% correct. But not checking the phone is also no sleep, lol.

Well, you're right there, too. :D

I guess there's just no sleep in crypto.

There are two kinds of no-sleep: The happy no-sleep and the sad no-sleep;)

I had a similar experience. I was on the train in Beijing and decided to check coinmarketcap. Once I saw the Steem price I instinctively let out a huge "whoah!!" on the train. I was so shocked and thrilled at the sudden growth of steem (especially because I recently decided to buy more of it before this happened!). Well done. I love STEEM! It actually is functional and solves so many problems!!

Very exciting times! I'm happy for you and all other fellow STEEM holders. Dan Larimer was actually dumping a lot of STEEM last night, he sent 10s of thousands of tokens over to blocktrades last night but it still didn't crash the price.

I think this is the most tired but also the most happy I've seen you look in a video!

What a perfect start to this year, I just screamed after seeing the price on mobile and couldn't control my emotions. Keep on steeming and make this platform the best social media on this planet!

https://freebitco.in/?r=11377153 hey brother check this out very worth your time.

He looked at me like I had lost my mind when I asked him to go out with me at that hour. lol.
When I see STEEM price i was little shocked, and checked twice, then refresh the coinmarketcap again and went to bittrex to check back lol :D
Actually it was a crazy moment :D But we all predicted for this amazing moment and now it's happening!


Congrats @exyle.. I can belive indeed that you couldn't sleep anymore... what a move...

A Fantastic and a start which we had never even imagined off This is purely insane been watching the prices up today in the morning and the market was bidding like crazy for both steem and steem backed dollar.

Just shows the potential it has and the liquid steem will go further down after people will came to know more about steemit and they could use it as a staking thing as power up feature.

The beginning is beautiful wish this flows just like this and everyone have a great year.

Cheers to a new beginning

i can't even sleep due to the prices hahah the notifications keep getting ringed lol :D

thanks for sharing about that https://blocktivity.info/ source! hadn't heard about it until you did 👍

you are welcome!

I watched the video and comments and want to complement you on your decision to become a vlogblogger on STMT and for the both of you happy New year.

Thank you very much! And happy new Year!

thank you! it is pretty cool :))

Congratulations. I'm glad your hard work payed off. I'm sure this rise will bring a lot of visibility to the chain.

@exyle I can't believe what our sweet STEEM is doing today. You are just loving life right now and so am I ............

Sick! Super excited for 2018!

hodl my friend

I am new on this platform. I joined just four months back. Love to see Steem and SBD are performing well. More to follow. I am agree with you, development is the key to growth.Cheers

50k achieved. 65k and then 100k satoshi? Seems possible to me in the first quarter of 2018.

Yes sir.Congratulations!! It is very good news. Very surprising!! New year 2018 may be the blessings of God. As a supporter I think you are so responsible. Wish your great success. Thank you @exyle.

It's just unbelievable and a well-deserved valuation of the Steem technology!

COngratulations to all steemian best start this new year 2018

Steem is mooning again! 2018 will be a huge year for Steem

I've been off for a month and I've discovered my account just doubled in value. What would happen if this platform gets millions of users? This is a huge milestone for the community! Hope it gets more attention than it has right now.

The good new for all of us . Cheer steemians .

wow your prediction was right .lets enjoy together

Best thing to happen to me yet this year. lol. 2018 will be a great year for us Steemians. Thanks for the heads up on your vlog.

Fabulous one!!!
this is really cool :)

Yah really it is greate time to steemitians ..i was shocked today when i saw the rate of steem ..i felt very happy at that time..i hope that it will be reach very high within few days...thank you for sharing info with us....@exyle

What do I stand to benefit if I vote a witness

that's a essential post about steem.
thanks for sharing

thanks for sharing important content and video. We are also very interested in learning about steam. keep it up.

2018 looking good

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