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RE: DTube - Las Vegas Shooting And The Cold Hard Truth About Gun Control

in #dtube7 years ago

wow... i totally support gun control... because once a gun gets into the wrong hands, all hell could let loose... i hope they can finally seal the deal of gun control finally.. thanks for sharing


Tell that to the governments who have slaughtered millions upon millions of their own people.

And continue to do so yearly in spite of all the guns the people own. So much for the well-regulated militia ensuring the security of the state. It's more dangerous by the year and our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is infringed more and more by the year.

Because the genie is out of the bottle in America and most gun regulations don't work (either because they are ill-considered, not enforced, or unenforcible) the only sensible solution is to admit failure and accept consequences. The militia needs more guns. Heck since guns are expensive why not send everyone a free gun because why should anyone be prevented from owning one just because they can't afford it? Since it will decrease crime to have everyone armed we can get rid of cops and save money paying for cops, insurance and enjoy increased property values and safer lives.

#betterlivingthroughguns4all #ayfkm?