Why I'm voting NONE

in #dtube5 years ago

We have a general election coming up in the UK on 12th December, and I'm not going to vote for any political party or politician. I'm going to vote None. I've done this in the last two or three general elections in the UK. Because I think the political system in the UK is completely corrupt. It's a two-party system, and although we have other political parties in the UK, they have very little chance of achieving actual political power, unless they get into a coalition with a very weak government.

In effect, the two-party system means voters are GIVEN a chance between two aristocrats.

They're not actual aristocrats; they're not related to royalty (some would say they are, but that's another discussion which I'm not going to go into). But quite often people who have a chance of power are embedded with moneyed interests; with business interests, or they're compromised.

Boris Johnson is the current UK prime minister. He hasn't been elected by voters, by the general electorate. He was elected by people in his party.

The leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, is not someone I'd describe as an aristocrat! He was elected by the members of his party, but much against the wishes of the people who were actually in power in that party at the time. And that caused absolute outrage. And ever since he achieved power, people have been trying to bring him down. He's been accused of racism and anti-semitism, which seems totally ludicrous to me. I'm not going to go into those details at the moment.

And having said that, I am NOT a fan of Jeremy Corbyn. I would not vote for the Labour Party. I'm not someone who believes in party politics. It doesn't work. It gives a skewed result.

We keep hearing about "the failure of democracy", and it always seems to be related to Donald Trump. I'm certainly no fan of Donald Trump, and at the last US election, if I'd been American, I wouldn't have voted. I think that's another case of people being GIVEN a choice between two "aristocrats".

By aristocrats, I don't mean that they are related to the Royal Family, but that they are moneyed people. They are people who are embedded with big power and big business interests.

Donald Trump, for example, didn't make his money himself – he inherited it from his father.

In the States, the so-called "land of the free", if you don't have power interests, moneyed interests, you don't have a chance of getting to the top in politics. To get to the top, you have to be compromised, and we're seeing this with the leaks about the Jeffrey Epstein case. That shows the way that people in power can be compromised.

And similar things go on in the UK, without a doubt.

People often say, "Go to vote, because our ancestors died for the vote."

I think they died for democracy. And I don't think that voting for a political party gives democracy.

To get true democracy, we really have to take responsibility. We have to look around and see what WE can do – not rely on these puppet figures to try and do it for us. Because that just doesn't work.

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