
That's a great point, one that I've been working through a bit. As with many things about our base nature, benefits exist as well as primitive obstacles to overcome to raise our consciousness. It might be a bit pedantic to discuss the details of the language we use or it might be important because our language creates our thoughts which create our action.

I think we can have voluntary, fluid groups without tribalism. I may be wrong, but I want to think we can. When I think of tribalism, I think of a tribal leader like a ruler, someone on a pedestal which you rightly mentioned in your video is not a good thing. At the same time, I agree we need more and better leadership, but from everyone, not from the top down. Tribes, to me, are held together by charismatic leaders and hierarchies. Voluntary groups like teams and companies can (and should?) be held together by shared ideals and mutual benefit. When we bring identity into it ("I'm of tribe A or tribe B"), I think things often get messed up. That's when people can act against their own self interest and the interests of others because "it's what someone from my tribe would do or expect." I prefer more fluidity and fewer labels.

Family is an interesting one you included in your list. I love family, and I don't think we'll soon escape the evolutionary pressures to favor our own genes over others, but it's not a voluntary situation as much as the others are. I've seen harm come about in the name of family, so I'm cautious with that one. Again, I prefer fully voluntary interactions for mutual benefit.

So what words can we use for chosen, voluntary communities without hierarchy authority or tribal rulership/leadership?

I'm currently reading through the Dark Tower series and maybe Ka-tet is close to the word I'm looking for:

Ka-tet is a word from the High Speech meaning "one [made] from many" or "a group of people summoned by ka". The word usually refers to Roland's ka-tet in the Dark Tower series. Still, other examples can be found within the series.

ah, i think the distinction you made is important and i completely agree.
for a living i teach companies to create leaderful cultures instead of top down management. this shit is amazing.

my mentor doug casey names the idea of voluntary tribes "phyles" and it comes from a novel he read a while back. i kinda like it too and i think its exactly what ka-tet shows.

thank you so much for engaging with me. i learn and i expand.