Hahhaa.. Her?? MY! I'M African, that is not an option😂
Ok ok.
You have made a lot of valid points. But my point was, for you to actually consider approaching someone, don't you always have to be attracted to what you see on the outside first?
I realize most of the Western world doesn't care much about how they dress, but it's really a big deal here. People would really make fun of you if you had so much color (miss matched color) like I had. That was the only issue lol
Anyways, thanks a bunch for your wonderful input. Really enjoyed reading it :))
Hey :) Yeah that's why I think your question was a deep and good one.
Every human being tends to judge their surroundings by first sight. But if we are aware of this first judgment, we can try to escape this superficiality and get to know people with extreme colorful souls wearing extreme colorful clothes, if we give them a second chance.
I really want to point out that I am not looking on ouside properties, hairstyle, clothes. I approach someone who is kind, has a nice aura, beautiful eyes and so on. The costume is not important for me. But thats just my personal opinion and taste :)