
Nothing is more divisive than the truth. Flat or globe, two things that should first be debated are the following:

  1. "Are we living in a geocentric or heliocentric world?"

  2. "Is the earth stationary?"

I have found common ground on the flat earth subject with other truthers by first focusing on those two things.

I do not know the shape of the earth. But, to me, it seems more flat than round. But, if it is round, it must be some sort of torus shape imo. It would make sense with how vortex mathematics works.

A torus-like earth may look something similar to the following 1893 map of the square and stationary earth:


If the earth is totally flat I don't think the AE (Azimuthal equidistant) map is correct because of how the night/day times workout. Flat Earth Asshole made an excellent video about it:

Here is an interestiong link I just found in the comment thread of his video:


A student team in Norway did a really cool project last year where they sent a high altitude balloon to right above 100 000 feet with a LIVE camera link for people to follow on Twitch.

You can see their video here on the group's Facebook page:

I remember seeing some people sharing still-images of the Earth from this type of altitude where they see a straight line and do not see a curve. I just thought you would find it interesting to see that actually, depending on where the camera focuses, you can see a curve to either direction (what would it be like to live on a planet that curved the other way? ;p). However, when you look down at the earth, it does appear spherical.

I agree with you @einarkusk, one should speak one's mind no matter what, and not change your mind due to pressure from others, but only based on evidence.

Here's 200 of the evidence you're looking for ;)

And dear fellow, the video you sent me is shot with a fish-eye lense (GoPro), you can see the Earth being spherical at one time, then concave and then flat. So which one is it? The answer is: when the camera is pointing straight ahead and the lense is level with the horizon - that is the correct shape of the Earth. In the video you sent me, the camera is clearly pointing down. It needs to point straight forward and be level because otherwise the fisheye lense will distort it. And even if you would set the camera straight and level, there would be a slight distortion because of the lense. You need to film the horizon with a non fisheye lense that is wide enough but not so wide to turn into a fisheye. A neutral lense that is closest to the human eye.

It needs to point straight forward and be level

Well, but if you do that, you will see a "flat" horizon whether or not the Earth is a sphere or flat. This will be the case for any round object no matter how high you go until, eventually, it all disappears from view.

Why? Because the horizon line you see against the blackness represents the points furthest away from you. If the Earth is indeed round, all of these points will be equally far away from you and also equally far beneath you. In order to see curvature to either side, the centre of your view would have to be higher or further away. WHich is not the case when you stare directly at the horizon. So no, the fact that the horizon is a straight line is not evidence against a round Earth nor evidence for a flat one.

What is, however, quite good evidence for a round Earth is the fact that no matter where you send the balloon on Earth, it always provides you with the same circular view. Meaning you always see as far in all directions 360 degrees around you as you turn the camera, and the increase in viewing distance always scales with the assumed rate of curvature no matter where you are in the world. This would require a very good explanation for a flat earth model to be supported.

Anyways, I don't expect this will convince you of anything, but I hope that you now understand that the level view of the horizon is not evidence against a round Earth. It is actually exactly what you would expect to see if the Earth was round.

So you are not concerned about losing work and friends because of idiotic beliefs?

Well done.

It is truly a matter of perspective, you can chose to BELIEVE whatvyou were told, or use your first hand experience to determine your outlook, do not allow indoctrination to rule your thought

There is the reality that the earth is a large sphere orbiting a star. You can understand that this is true, or you can go off into some weird conspiracy delusion. This guy not worrying about losing friends and work over his delusion is not something to be commended. It is very sad.

If your going to troll people ay least try and make sense, that conment had no structure what so ever.... makes you and the rest of the globetards look terrible

First sentence: reality is that the earth is a sphere and orbits the sun....check.

Second sentence: not accepting reality is delusional. Delusional means holding beliefs that contradict reality....check.

Third sentence: being delusional is not good...check.

Which part didn't you understand, sweetie?

BOOOOOO GTF outta here troll

Well there's the pot calling the kettle black.
Flatearthtards are the real trolls.

You are suffering from government brainwashing and cognitive dissonance. Look up that meanin, because just like the rest of you globetards who belive everything your precious government forced you to believe, you probably never even heard of that term " cognitive dissonance "

You're an idiot.
I'm neither if those. I already know the definition by the way.
No one forced me to think anything.
I am capable of my own experiments.
But YOU can't handle the truth, you can't do math and fail to understand reality.

I believe that your actual reason to talk about Flat Earth. Is Because you want to wake people up. So they would start thinking for them selves. If this is so. Then you should look in to. the topix of: libertarianism, Anti SJW, Anti marxism, And anti marxist feminism, traditionalism and family wales. free speech and net neutrality. Inspiring youtubers: Computing Forever, The White Rose, Blonde in the Belly of the Beast, Lauren Southern, Black Pigeon Speaks, Objektiiv, telegram, Brittany Pettibone, Barbara4u2c, Freedomain Radio, Stefan Molyneux. Good luck my frend.

The owners of Telegram are my good friends :) we have done some projects together like an interview with David Icke and a web show with Anu Saagim. Yes, all these topics are very fascinating!

I know. You should talk to Honda about making show, about Steemit on their youtube channel. I just invested 024 dash info steempower that Hando gave me. I am biding my photograph blog here. Do you have any advise?

I just realised your description 'Not' rhymes with 'stop'

Maa on kuup, pole siin arutleda millegi üle!!!

Einar, where you see yourself in this year or what u expect to happen ?

I'm going to be rich, make movies and be a pioneer of crypto social media!

The Earth is flat and all Rocks contains DNA or RNA because every rock is petrified organic material that used to be living before Noah's flood, The Earth is filled with the scattered remains of Giant humanoids and Trees that reached to the top of the Dome.

Nice video! krep it up!

Great to see you again on the road ;) earth is flat <3

Einar, I belive in you, keep going and be strong :}