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RE: Losing 70 Pounds and Becoming Vegan #1

in #dtube8 years ago

wow Jerry.. what a full featured story today! Its those stories that inspire us, that keep us writing!

Hearty congrats for making such drastic and positive change to your diet, health and life! You really came a LONG way!! You are QUITE RIGHT that eating vegan is one of the best ways to rip the pounds off! If you can reduce the carbs too then you are really rocking! Only you know how it also helps your mind and clarity, lightness and just how good you can wake up feeling. Some people will never know how it feels to wake up with no heaviness!!

Once you have gotten used to it, and eat a balanced diet with lots of proteins you no longer crave all these dairy and meat foods at all. WIth a little imaginiation you can really still eat amazing food. My wife sometimes blends some bananas and a bit of maple and cinnamon and freezes it. Hey presto, amazing ice cream that is really tasty and had no shit in it whatsoever! Excuse my language.. you know... it is what it is!

There are just too many kinds of diet out there that never work unless you get the foundations right. They are just a patch that don't last. They also don't nurture the body and so you miss out on many of the benefits of a good vegan wholefood diet.

If you haven't read about whole-food eating then it's worth checking out. It's all about not peeling things, and eating almost all the grain or fruits that we normally discard parts of. For example, a whole foodie would eat the entire apple including the core, but not the little stick on the end. You often find that most of the nutrients are right there in the bits we chop off and throw away! Did you know, for example, that most of the goodies in an avocado are right in that last bit that you have to scrape off the inside of the skin for!

Look forward to part 2!
p.s maybe its just me but happy if you do shorter stories and more often.. Im thinking to do this with my ecoBuild Diary as I think people prefer that and are more likely to read it all.. ;-)

Thank you!