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RE: Shhhhhhh...Ethnic Cleansing In Progress - PLEASE DO DISTURB!

in #dtube8 years ago

I don't know. Maybe Palestinians should stop procreating like rabbits. Doubling the population every generation in an already overpopulated area is a lot but healthy. If you add a dispute with the neighbor to that equation, you really don't have to wonder that a vendetta emerges and people start pooping in the fresh water supply.


"dispute with neighbor". Or actually "occupied by outside forces". Where exactly is the State of Palestine that neighbors Israel? All I see is Palestinians haven't their land colonized as they are blamed for pro-creating on their property while their property shrinks because of slow conquest...

Congrats, you win the award for the lamest excuse I've ever heard to justify genocide and ethnic cleansing.

How can the Palestinians build a salt water refinery? On what land and under what government's approval? The PA?

The majority of Palestinians in Gaza are under the age of 10. Are these people all fueled by deep religious extremism? Or could it be that they have had almost no electricity, been allowed to leave Gaza, build an airport, fish off the coast, import goods.

You play this game like there are two separate independent nations.

Also, would you like to discuss the deeply Orthodox Jewish settlers from other areas of the world that move to Israel, bulldoze people's homes, and build their communities on top; all because of their religious belief that the land was "promised to them" in an old book written by morons.

Israeli politicians target Palestinian children.

A stock photo from Google images.

I wouldn't deny the radical nature of the Palestinian society.

You simply stated that since their land has been stolen from them over time, and their area in which to live got smaller, they should stop breeding so much.

"They would import explosives". Well, if they run an independent nation-state like you seem to think is reality, wouldn't that nation-state have the right to?

What administration? Of the PA? That doesn't represent the people of Gaza?

Maybe they don't want to move because they are tied to the land they were born on.

Again, I don't debate that there was a war against Jordan which lead to this.

However, the areas that were supposed to be "left for the Palestinians", has been colonized since the agreement was made after said war.

Israel is run by a far right government who's ideology includes a pure "Jewish State" and has laws on the books that limit the rights of non-Jewish Israelis.

I would. But there is no Palestinian State. There are groups of people living under different degrees of occupation. And revolt would have sense if the group wasn't Muslim, Arab and sold has an "enemy" of the American people.

Compared to the US, Mexico is poor as f**k....and those latins, man they procreate like rabbits.

Perhaps the US should go tell them to stop having babies, stop eating beans, and go to work. If Mexico would only start some industry to stop sponging off the Americans, then all would be right. Of course, since they arent going to do this, lets go in and kill them all even the ones in America. If you are Mexican or of Mexican descent, you need to. Period.

Seems outrageous when you apply that logic to North America but, to you, it is logical in the Middle East.

Here is the bottom line...the Israelis always claim to be the victims no matter what the situation. For the last two decades, they have used the exact same tactic Hitler used on them. This is a Holocaust plain and simple.

I don't know. Maybe Palestinians should stop procreating like rabbits. "Doubling the population every generation in an already overpopulated area is a lot but healthy. If you add a dispute with the neighbor to that equation, you really don't have to wonder that a vendetta emerges and people start pooping in the fresh water supply."

These are your words. This is a post about the genocide of the Palestinians by the Israelis. In the comments, you first words are that "maybe Palestinians should stop procreating like rabbits.". To me, that insinuates that you believe it is their fault.

Also, it seems you feel that if there is a territorial dispute, it is okay for one group to crap in another group's water.

Nowhere did you disavow this behavior nor did you even mention that genocide is wrong. Instead, you proclaim the Palestinians want this; that they want the crisis due to them being religious nuts.

Ergo, your silence and attack on the Palestinians shows you support it. After all, if they werent religious nuts who didnt have so many kids, in turn opting for wealth over poverty, then they wouldnt need the crisis for which they have their water pooped in and causes them to be taken from their homes in the middle of the night.

The Palestinians are far from perfect and certainly, I am the last to defend religious zealots of any discipline, but to even come close to insinuating that what the Israelis are doing is remotely justified even when considering said behavior by the Palestinians is over the top to me.

But to each their own. I know there is worldwide silence on this issue so it seems your viewpoint is more commonly embraced.

 8 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

They had elections in Gaza. Israel and the US made them. They voted for Hammas. Because the other Israeli option was FATAH. The West told them their election was bullshit. Palestinians fault.

You believe this is battle over two sides. When anyone who does any simple research knows this is one population under occupation by another. They call it the occupied territories.

Gaza is more of an open-air prison. The place isn't a country. It's a surrounded region of Israel that up until a decade ago had Israeli settlers in it. Gaza has no right to the air space above it, or the water on it's coast. Funny how you think they could be "Katar".

What deals should they sign? Since each deal the Israelis propose, they violate.

"Ignore it". Cut of US funding for Israel and halt all wars fought on it's behalf and people would definitely ignore it more.