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RE: Shhhhhhh...Ethnic Cleansing In Progress - PLEASE DO DISTURB!

in #dtube7 years ago

You simply stated that since their land has been stolen from them over time

really? I believe it was more of a purchase in the beginning and then after ww2 the Arabs went to war against Israel several times and lost all of those wars. The take-over of land is a normal process within the limits of a won war. That doesn't mean that I have sympathies for the land takeover, at least not all of it. Some was strategically necessary, I guess. Other parts weren't. So, it is usually better to accept that than running against the windmills of a superior enemy (or should Germany still be angry about France, Poland, Denmark and especially the about Czechs? And Germany is not even inferior to those countries)

and their area in which to live got smaller, they should stop breeding so much.

Even if it got bigger, I would be cautious with too much breeding. That only causes problems, especially when the lower class does it. But yes, like the reason or not, they don't have enough space to go on like right now.

Egypt has a long standing offer to give the Palestinians a part of the Sinai. But they don't want it because it would resolve a big part of the problem. It's a comparably a big slice:

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

Images were hidden due to low ratings.

What administration? Of the PA? That doesn't represent the people of Gaza?

Maybe they don't want to move because they are tied to the land they were born on.

Again, I don't debate that there was a war against Jordan which lead to this.

However, the areas that were supposed to be "left for the Palestinians", has been colonized since the agreement was made after said war.

Israel is run by a far right government who's ideology includes a pure "Jewish State" and has laws on the books that limit the rights of non-Jewish Israelis.

I would. But there is no Palestinian State. There are groups of people living under different degrees of occupation. And revolt would have sense if the group wasn't Muslim, Arab and sold has an "enemy" of the American people.

How is it rational to allow people from New York, France, Eastern Europe and California move to the Middle East, provide them with someone else's land, and think that the people living there (which you tell the world are irrational religious nutjobs) won't get pissed about it?

Especially when the police state you've created around them rivals Germany in 1930.

I guess your argument would be that the Israeli government made a deal with the UN and US-backed Jordan that they have a "right" to the West Bank and Gaza. And because of that, the everyday people there should live under occupation until the whole area to populated with Jews are around the world, and they shouldn't do anything but leave?

What other state on Earth would get this type of rationalization from the liberalized Western world?

It is a cheap argument. I made it to point out your bias on this issue. It's the Arabs responsiblity to NOT act irrationally, even though the side your supporting IS acting irrationally? Is it "good" irrationality though? Do you have this idea about Israeli cultural that it isn't massively racist and that its government deploys a police state? All able to be done because of Western backing?

Your last statement kind of ends this discussion. As you live in a world where the Israeli Government wants "peace and cooperation", not conquest. Which the opposite of what they say and lay out in their policy papers. I mean, AIPAC's push for the Iraq War was of course about "peace and cooperation", not an agreement on water rights in Iraq. The paper "A Clean Break" wasn't written. Laying out plans to destabilize the region and make life unbearable for the Palestinians. These things didn't happen in your world.

Instead, Israel was just trying to create a country in a unpopulated place, and all these racists just hate them for it. Israel can't carry out war crimes, it's defending itself from crazy Muslims.