Everything the Govt Says is a Lie - Jeff Berwick on Silver Doctors

in #dtube7 years ago

Jeff is interviewed by Elijah Johnson for Silver Doctors. Topics include: the fraudulent mainstream financial system, the dot com bubble, central banking, origins of TDV, the coming economic collapse, secret societies, a real education outside the system, benefits of travel, the great awakening, the lies of government, false flags and war, fixing your self, meditation and higher vibration, change the world by changing yourself, a TDV gold stock tip!

Orginal interview published by Silver Doctors here:

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Gotta love old George Carlin, what a guy.

Nice post bro 🏝

I would like to think people could run it better but then again people run the goverment lol so no matter what stupid things are going to happen and there are just bad people as well. Luckily there are more good then bad people which you need to always remember.

i think once more people recognize the 'cults' as a simple mindset entrained to them and realize their true nature and start thinking for themselves we can all have a better place to live.

Great video!

governments teaches us what they want us to learn so as to manipulate and control our minds and be a slave.

Because of limited time, staff, and money, the Reece Committee was forced to
concentrate its investigation or various Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, and on the
huge Ford Foundation.
The Committee found that one of the first areas into which John D. invested his money
was education. Daddy Oilbucks put his assistant, Fred Gates, in charge of his General
Education Board. Gates tipped the Rockefeller philosophy on education in the Board's
Occasional Paper No.1;
In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect
docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions fade from our minds,
and unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive
rural folk.
Later, the General Education Board expanded horizons to take into its "molding hands"
the city folk at well. To this end the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, which often
had interlocking directorates and many times acted in unison, began in the early Thirties
to back John Dewey and his Marxist educationalists with enormous amounts of money.

Little secret, The government is in coahoots with the entertainment, banking and war industy.

This is great educational content and just a reminder that You’ve been drinking way too much kool aid if you believe anything these blood suckers have to say . Knowledge is more powerful than any amount of money in the world , wake up and know your true worth . Be aware of global economic and the global monetary system and position yourself accordingly. Thanks for this informative content!

Nice post

Holiwood story with big noise.

Question everything!

I love especially the way you have learned your lessons to come where you are right now in this timeframe. Life put you obstacles to learn some lessons and push you on another direction that you have never imagined.


amazing post, thank you.

i find myself in complete agreement. i broke out partially by going to greece and seeing a wall made of stone so finely cut that it required no mortor. and if you ran your hand over a seam with your eyes closed you could not feel it. this was the beginning for me of my appreciation for our ancestor's knowledge and recognition that they where much smarter than had been told to me.

the second was 9-11, which i clearly saw was a fake, and also the other false flags you mentioned. it left me in a deep despair which nearly took my life, but it was in the deep despair that i chanced to reach out to God, but not the God of the bible, but in my everyday life, and took the idea of 'there are no accidents' to heart. my mind was blown wide open by this experience.

i also started doing meditation, which made space between my observations and my thoughts, i was seeing them instead of simply reacting to them, and that was also life changing.

i'm still a bit stuck on the monetary front.. but i don't doubt my abilities, just lack the motivation. i don't know how to find it, i don't know what direction to go in. so i spend my time trying to make a difference in the world... but you remind me that i need to work more on myself, it is me that needs to change.. i just wish i knew how, i wish i had something to invest my energies, in what direction am i lacking? i know, i know, only I can answer that question.

i have proved one thing to myself that i consider very powerful, we are not at the mercy of this world in terms of health/sickness. i have not been sick once since i discovered the truth about us being only energy and out thoughts have tremendous importance to how we feel. i use the sun to help me feel better, by looking into it i've literally felt my sinuses clear (the one thing i hadn't been able to relax away with meditation). and no i have not gone blind... eheh.

david r. hawkins has a great book called power vs force.. you might enjoy that. in that he says he even cured himself of needing glasses... is a very interesting read (is not all about glasses lol, that is brief bit at the end of one of his books)

i also chanced across unity village, a 'religion' founded upon the idea that with proper prayer you can cure anything. it was formed in the 1900 and is in Kansas City area.. amazing place, though the true transformative power is slightly lessoned by people that don't take seriously the ability to cure ourselves of ANYTHING. we are nothing but energy.

anyway, thanks for your excellent posts, i believe you are changing the world. i'm making the weather warmer wherever i go, i don't need anyone to believe it... now if only i could manifest some money... ; P

look forward to more posts from you, thank you for what you are doing.

ahh, one more thing, this guy is very interesting.

Hard to believe what this guy was capable of doing.

pretty crazy. i read a lot about him. apparently he used to let people stab him, then talked to them about God and the true nature of the world. he then went on to do public performances, but freaked people out.. but they let him continue to made him stop talking about why he could do it. some short time after that he killed himself by swallowing a needle. is friend usually helped him do his thing, but that one time he took it himself to keep his friend from being called a murderer.

oh, one other crazy story from this guy, he fell once and broke his arm. he said unless he was in a certain frame of mind he was vulnerable. but he was able to go to that state of mind and fix his arm. yeah.

but he swears we can all do it...

Lies! Hahaha

truth! hahaha

Great interview, Jeff, and best wishes on your personal growth work.

Whom could you fail to convince, Jeff? More people should start calling things by their name. Thank you.

I am a Pillow Peace guy. PP is about real-time reading via Skype for people in different corners of the world.

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Of course much of what the mass media and government tells us are lies and propaganda, they're controlled by nefarious, tyrannical, one-world government (New World Order) types. http://loveforlife.com.au/print/3059

Ther are not lieing to us! I bet you if you connect one to a lie detector, say.. Helicopter Ben it wont even blip! They are 100% sincere! They are smart A students who Belive with CONvictions what they learned in their shooling systems!

The fact of the mater is; One can be sincere but sincerly Wrong! Living in their power triping Orwellian world thinking that they are here to save the people. A serial killers will never be able to save his victim grom himself... it in just not in his NATURE!

I can't hear anything the audio volume is too low.