Well said @meno ! I appreciate you stepping in and saying something.
Unfortunately I've tried to get through to @simaroy a few times on his own posts but I don't think he has any intention of changing his approach. His whole page seems to be dedicated to spamming as much content as possible claiming all content to be his own just to collect tiny rewards in large volumes (it does add up after a while so I can see the appeal of doing this, unfortunately at the community's expense).
It is really unfortunate to see this type of behaviour/content as this is exactly what hurts the community and what turns people away from the platform.
@simaroy with all due respect it would be really nice to see your frequency of posts go down a bit and the effort/detail go up. I think you would see more rewards overall on each post if you took this approach and more people might want to follow along.
And as I've mentioned to you before if you're using other people's work (which I would be very careful to do here unless they are getting part of the reward) you MUST cite where it came from, and if it is your original content then it would be wise to explicitly state that you own the rights to the content just so there is no misunderstanding.
If you truly do want to gain more followers then taking these small steps is what will get you there.
I really do hope to see you succeed on this platform, I just hate to see behaviour that does end up negatively impacting the platform that we are all so fortunate to have access to.