in #dtube7 years ago

Know how to PROTECT yourself from Steem Stealers, Spammers, and Trolls.

And if you need help dealing with one reach out to me. I will make sure they get EXPOSED.

So I am new to Steem but not new to spam and trolls. They exist everywhere in every part of society. I'm sure you even know a few. We'll talk about that in a second.

(I said bye 👋 halfway through the video so KEEP WATCHING) lol

I have had such a great time getting to know the fellow steamers and reading the content that they're posting because for once it's not spam or keyword stuff content. It and everything was pretty good until I ran into a spammer/troll. I have marketed for 8+ years and I know the telltale signs of trolls and advanced spammers. Reason I say advanced Advanced spammers is because with some spammers it's blatantly obviously what they're doing but others choose a more devious 😈path in order to abuse the system but look like they're helping.

These are the more dangerous wolves in sheep's clothing that we need to pluck from the herd. 🐺🐑😡

This user @domcrypto has made a post about me and has down flagged all of my content and has lied to the community in order to further his little agenda. What he didn't expect it is to attack someone who would know his little games. I spotted them in two seconds.

I UPVOTED @domcrypto and read his post on his "Crusades" and commented saying that I agree with him we should stop spam and then he goes and starts flagging all of my posts.

Now a normal user would wonder why someone would do this because they were being nice. But as someone who has worked in the industry and had to deal with a lot of spammers and advanced techniques I know that what he is trying to do is use the "crusader" content to lure new users into trusting him and if they have good content he will attack them pick fights and try to use it to his advantage to build his steem. This video right now is probably building his Steem but once you guys realize what he's doing and how he's behaving and what he's doing to the new members and how this could affect all of us if we let people like this slide he will lose Steem.

If we do not protect our new community members we will not have new members. I am all for spam control but I am not for abusing and belittling new people coming in to try to stand on top of them using them as a pedestal.

I want to know how you guys got started on Steem and what you brought you here and why it's valuable to you.

Steem is real to me and I believe in it because it's a model that can work if we help create good content that people will want to engage on a personal level.

Steem is important to me because my son is in the hospital ER right now and I have to pay for that visit.

Steam is important to me because it's going to get me back on track with my life.

Steem is important to me because it is something I can use every day.

Steem is important to me because the engagement is real.

Why is Steem real to you?

If all we have is a bunch of people spamming and spammers pretending to be good guys we're just going to end up with the dark web again.

We couldend up with NO community of Steem users because of users like @domcrypto attacking new users coming in.

We all know the saying police the police 👮
If this guy is the police we need to police him.

Protect your fellow users and content creators from these devious spammers and trolls.

Till next time! (which will be later today)

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Are you completely bananas? Stalking me now are we? xp
Nice to see you got your tags in order and actually produced some content...

Wow, I like how yo back off now that i've exposed you and try to get cute. You are a spammer and steem stealer and I will make sure you cant take advantage of other peoples content anymore. so please move along. thank you. You will always be my first #steemstalker

You want exposure... Here, have some! 😉


I police the feed for spam... You got angry, tough!
I actually feel flattered! No one has made a video about me before! 😍

hahah you are too cute little buddy. I create my own content while you steal from other. please please leave me alone and take your regurgitated content you steal from other and enjoy you day.
You won't be policing it for very much longer when the user see your lies. Thanks for your time while you think of other way to rob the honest users off this platform.

The word about you is already spreading and its not looking to good. But at this point you are no longer my problem. The community will deal with you as they see fit.