Thanks to our presence on Steemit, we have planned and will be able to do a number of really great long form video pieces in 2018. Check out the list in the video and leave me a reply with ideas for other topics we should tackled in this format!
▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFS
How do you make this video? May I know what software you are using?
All sorts of stuff, Sony 4K cameras, Tricaster, Adobe Premiere Pro CC, EV RE20 microphone...
Adobe Premiere Pro CC is better than all
It works well for us
I always use PPCC
Steemit will be a main key for reporting in the near future along with news. So happy about it.
Power to you DP, spread the word this is a great opportunity for content creators to get some 'coin' quite literally LoL
Bakalım üye oldum fakirlikten kurtar beni steemit :)
Yes I am really excited when I hear this talk.
Greetings. @javybar
i think in the near future news agencies will use the steem blockchain to create their own Smart Media Tokens that they can use to monetize their platforms. Im super excited for the SMT's to come out because it will vault steem to the heights of ethereum
Regarding these coming investigative reports, I hope David will go down the rabbit hole and expose corruption on both sides of the political aisle so that the American people can make some much needed real progress.
Touched $8 today at the high. No doubt, a great start to the year. It's never too late to get in, I wish I had discovered this earlier!
yes, even higher because ethereum's ico are still future-oriented while SMT's can be implemented in the present
Nice,.....hey hello i been posting info on bit coins i have perchased and their all up.. check out TRX COIN tron... i bought at 3 cents and now is at 7 cents... please check out some of my post and tell me what you think..
and get free coins here https://freebitco.in/?r=10526767 or https://freebitco.in/?r=11377153 and you should check out this ICO i joined last month https://tokensale.crypterium.io/?ref=71c4aee8c46b8262b0dd08db
All people are doing
Yeah ! But Any Open Source Platform To Compete SteemIt , I don't see that coming.
well i hope so.
Thats a great post,,
#Contribution comment #Wow i am a big #fan of you,,
keep it up,,
Thank you @davidpakman
i always #support you
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Keep up ! Happy birthday
How are you doing
best wishes to you and your channel,
great to see some real journalists back at work.
yeep dude XD
Hope you will keep on doing these investigation videos.
And for the record, you can't compare nothing to the Nazis today.
yes you can Israelis
Oh yes
I love the title Reza Aslan can not be trusted, because that is so true, I was indoctrinated into the religion and left it and I am so happy that someone in the west is finally resurrecting journalistic integrity and I am happy to support your work on the platform.
you and your team are heroes to me.
thanks for resteem and upvote..
of course, it is the least I can do.
I am just happy to see a place where indie journalists can find an audience and the support they need to do their work!
Thank God for Steemit! Looking forward to everything you uncover!
Wow - looking forward to watching these long form videos. Thanks for all the great content.
I love that you are contributing more to steem
Looking forward to these new videos! Good fortune for 2018! Upvoted and Followed!
How are you doing
Hi thanks for the info.
I openly share projects for you in my blog.
good work 👍
Great Follow x Follow please <3
Hi there...please follow me and I will follow you back, thanks ;)
Hello @davidpakman , I am from Indonesia. Can I guess an idea for next video? I think simple tutorial for beginner steemians will be good. I believe it will gain more vote from it. Thank you.
@annisazulkarnain Steemit tutorials are really not available , i am also having the same problems as you are . @yabapmatt is one guy who keeps giving us information about steemit , but most of them are in technical language so its very hard to understand . so i am with you if @davidpakman can help us creating step by step guide in "LOWER LEVEL LANGUAGE" lol
Let me know how I can help. This is a great idea!
Would love people to see my post ...want to follow as many as
Sick show! I'm really learning a lot and appreciate your content!
happy new year
Steemit investigations are dealing to great opportunities.
Damn, man! I used to watch you all the time on youtube! Did you get shadow banned or something? I haven't seen anything from you in years!
Nope, we are bigger than ever on youtube, over 400,000 subscribers now
Cool, man! Keep up the good fight!
the sky is the starting point
David - I really enjoy your long form videos -- so much better than establishment, sound-bite, snooze-fest journalism!
Thanks very much, I plan to continue doing them!
continue sharing and posting video @davidpakman .that's great..
Do you know your microphone name? haha
Yep, it's an Electro-Voice RE20
thank you!~
Great Article
Touched $8 today at the high. No doubt, a great start to the year. It's never too late to get in, I wish I had discovered this earlier!
I actually don't fully understand the implications of high Steem valuation
How are you doing
@davidpakman - I'm a long time subscriber and fan of the show. Just wanted to say thanks for all you do, both here and on Youtube.
Thank you very much, I appreciate your support!
I would also like to see a show about steemit in different countries, one country at a time, the impact on people etc.
thanks for doing what you do.@davidpakman, I would really like to see a regular show weekly on cryptocurrency. Depending on the content and if done properly with non controversial guests,it should be the biggest hit.
that is interesting, I am definitely looking to do more crypto content
Just dont become a McAfee McDump man haha
Hahah, no risk of that
Good. . This space needs a transparrent and quality voice that the new generations can follow.
So long as independent journalists exist, a free society will remain free.
Let's do our part to make sure that happens, then
What is vegan chess? If that is really a thing, non-for me thank you.
I wish I knew myself
Just found your show and am digging it. Cheers to a productive and expansive 2018!
thank you! hoping for a great 2018 myself!
Nice post
Nice one and keep up the good work
How are you doing
Thanks for the information bro...
Am I late to join in steemit in Jan 2018?
its never late buddy
It is a very good idea.Like other vlogs DTube will also very helpful for steemit users.I hope in 2018 we enjoy a lot on this platform.Thanks for posting this post @davidpakman.
Neat very professional setup and definitely looking for to see more now that im following
Definitely looking forward to your longer videos! I'd love to see you guys become a better version of The Phillip DeFranco show but on Steemit. I'm subscribing!
thanks very much, appreciate it!
I'm really exicted @davidpakman
Hi @davidpakman ! Long time listening and fan of you from YouTube, very happy that you found Steemit, I joined this platform in the summer of 2017. I am very glad that, as a fellow victim of the adpocalypse, you "saw the light" and made the leap of faith on to Steemit and have reaped the $$$ rewards from this!
My suggested topic: Investigate military defense spending in 2016 versus 2017/2018 and see if you can uncover the source and where the taxpayer dollar is going!
And here's the first "new gen news reporter", respect my friend. 2018 will be big, hope you can get the spot you're aiming for!
hopefully the steam will continue to prevail
Honestly steemit is on it's way to becoming social media giant, and i love it!
how does that work?
Thanks for watching my picture
I like this picture.
Is there a chance that steem will completely replace Bitcoin?
Thank you for all the great videos you've done in 2017 under the David Pakman show. They were very educational. Looking forward to a more quality contents from you this year.
No problem my friend
Wow... just seeing how Steemit is giving people more chance to do what they like, and also make money from it, it's AMAZING.
Thanks for the info
wonderful post
great research
Well I am totally new to this space so anything aimed towards the new comers to the space would be a bonus.
I like how steamians rally behind subjects that matter.
Oh I like the concept of this. Viewers not bombarded by ads, content creators get direct feedback from viewers for each item produced and get paid for it. I don't think the established platforms actually know what is around the corner for them. Once steemit takes off facebook and youtube are going to be toast unless the adapt themselves and actually give out a fair share of revenue.
That sound great,please make it more of tutorials,career talk,motivation talk so we will be able to do some exploit out there.... Thank you inadvance.@davidpakman
Made a smoke signal.
Got no answer yet.