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RE: [dtube] RIPPLE (XRP) Cryptocurrency Review

in #dtube7 years ago

Great video explaining Ripple. But I still hate it compared to other crypto especially as it knocked my beloved Ethereum down to number two. How dare they?

If I may go off topic for a minute about DTube as a platform. Firstly I keep subscribing to you and then getting logged out for no apparent reason and unsubscribed from all my subscriptions . It is infuriating. I end up having to keep one of your videos in the Watch Later section and then clicking on you name to find your new ones. Am I doing something wrong?

Another problem that is potentially discouraging me from using it is that now videos/posts are posted on several different sites that valuable comments from one site are potentially not being picked up and as fully discussed as people are watching the same video on another site e.g. YouTube. It would be good for DTube and YouTube and Steem etc to find a way to share comments made on each other's video postings, a post api or something like that. I realise that you are better remunerated on Dtube but if people are leaving good or greater volume comments elsewhere then potentially I am more likely to view your videos on the elsewhere option. That first mover advantage e.g. with YouTube is something that will work against new platforms like DTube potentially.