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RE: Slave History Museum, Calabar

in #dtube7 years ago

Nice mini history lesson here, I dig it. On the liberation side of things, I just recently went on a trip to Harper's Ferry, WV here in the USA and got an amazing look at the historic town there. If you are not familiar with "John Brown's raid" check it out. It is an amazing story of slaves and abolitionists coming together in an attempt to end slavery in the US. While their particular rebellion wasn't successful, it was the turning point in American society and marked the beginning of the end of the scourge of American slavery.


For sure I googled "John Brown's raid." I was apparently so fascinated by the story and went on a sharing spree that I forgot to respond to your comment. Nice months after I am here. Better late than never, they say. Lol. Thanks for stopping by, buddy.