
Yea definitely a good point about the price of STEEM being one of, if not the the most important return mechanism for your account value. Probably a lot of ppl overlook this.

Diggin' the idea of amping up on tossing some Steem rewards to new users and also the steem-promo peeps. I personally do not do this enough. I rarely visit the introduce yourself tag anymore, however, almost anytime I see a new user come up in either "new" or my own feed (via a resteem) I'm usual at least checking them out to see if they are real and voting accordingly lol.

I wish everyone could be on the same page and actually take these advices and put them to use but there seems to be a misguidence in what they should be voting for and what they are actually voting for

A reminder to grow the eco-system, not just our own wallets!

Thanks dan! You have a great way of explaining stuff. Thanks for taking the time to make this video. You always have great content.

Dan I found you on youtube. I clicked follow you today after watching your "Steemit-101: Your Steem Wallet" Great video btw. I shared it in my private Steem group on facebook where I am inviting my 3,000+ friends and family & turning them onto steemit.
I just started my Steemit and have zero followers so far lol. I got some good steem power in my steem wallet to start off with.
Anyhow, i'm hoping we can connect and benefit from one another. I'm mostly interested in connecting with successful peeps. I will soon be creating great content everyday on steemit.
Again, we all appreciate your great content. @dan-atstarlite Peace.

That is very true @dan-atstarliet , we must all at-least give 10 votes for the best quality content daily to the members outside your followers... I guess this will definitely boost the price of Steem in long term

Really interesting point about increasing the value of STEEM. I think it's easy to forget to do that when its obvious that voting on your own posts can get you more STEEM.

Thank you for posting @dan-atstarlite

Great tips you shared in the video to maximize the  R.O.V. (Return On Vote) I Liked the video and learned so much as a newbie on how to grow and maximize the account value have been here on steemit and i have seen that steem can go to cent's and can go way higher than expected so these things will happne when we support those who will take the steemit to the next level just like you who are sharing awesome content on here to help all.

I appreciate that you shared this video and helped me and others too with your work have a great day ahead.

All the best. Cheers. 

Wow such a wonderful video dear friend

Nice post..Thanks for sharing..

We thank you. I'm watching you now🤗

Thanks I'll look forward to watching later ... I always upvote newer steemians each day.

It is important to tell people on other platforms about Steemit. So many come, when someone they know mentions it as an alternative to the heavy handed censorship taking place.

I would maybe add in as a caveat on the promo-steem issue that I WOULD NOT vote for people who mis-market the potential for earning big money on steemit.

I won't mention names (it's fairly obvious who I'm talking about), but the kind of people who do nothing other than market it outside on YouTube (for example) and then just bidbot up their posts so their 'earning' >$1000 dollars. I think this puts people off committing long term.

Honest marketing (if that's not an oxymoron), community related initiatives are totally different.

Also, support for @utopian-io projects and anyone involved in steemsql like @arcange, I think all are crucial to the future value of steem.

The people beavering away in background, in other words!

great video thank you .

This was a perspective that I needed to hear. I am a new comer and was really working the communities that I understood and have more content/opinion to participate with, but due to my feeble body of computer science work, I was not digging in deep enough.

I am fortunate to have stuck with understanding crypto for as long as I did to achieve the desire to seek out a venue for people like me that lead to steemit. I see the writing on the wall for massive industry disruption on a grand scale, but don't have the knowledge to contribute via open source myself. Your discussion of supporting those developing explorers like dtube via voting now feels embarassingly obvious. I believe it will also push me to further understand what the projects are to balance support regular interactions in both my interests and the intro /promo-steem community. Thanks!

Good video; I like to vote some on new people and also people who I think add some value to Steem or attract an audience, even if I may not agree with them. It's a balance act though; if I vote on too many new people, I may miss some of the bigger names who ultimately draw others onto the platform. I also like to vote on posts which help, offer education, ore are just fun. I feel mixin' it up is good.

Very good point. ROV, yess!!
Have to do that second kind of ROV more often...

Nice Post Dear Steemian. Thank You For Your Effort
Shared LOVE With My Upvote. How about you Share some Love too?
Cheers and Have a Peaceful, Profitable Year .
Keep Posting and Get Rich ;) :)

I’m on it!

Also, I just learned about DTube from your post!

smart tips @dan-astarlite! I'm pretty helter skelter with my voting because it feels like that's the best way to be fair, but I'm sure there's a middle ground to be found- I'm going to spend more time tag surfing for sure :)

You make some very valid points here. Great ideas and important to raise the price of Steem.

your video so fantastic im new user in steemit and i enjoy evert single post its amazing experience for me

Thank you for supporting me on my most recent post with your upvote :) I really appreciate it. I've just gone through a number of your videos on here and YouTube and there's so many amazing tips!! Thanks again.

Upvoted, resteemed, following :)

lesson one, avoid paying a hefty commision to your posting agent.

lol, sorry I had to... I just be hatin, nevermind :P

P.S.: and now that I've actually seen the video - I guess I spilled my haterade a bit early, and it's a bit unappropriate in context to your video. I still stand behind the flavour, though.

anyways, great sentiment there, people need to look beyond their immediate profits and at the health of the overall ecosystem if we want to make the most out of it long term.

also love the term ROV that you are putting into perspective her.

I can't believe you are the same person from the steembirds, looking so serious here ahahahahah

Very helpful advice. Thanks a lot!

Thanks for posting this. I am a photographer realitivly new to steemit (1 month or so) and this was helpful .

🌟🌟🌟Congrats on 3000!🌟🌟🌟

I was wondering do you have a video explaining the interest rates for SBD put in savings?

Finally I found this info for which I was searching.
I hope it will work !