What up my Peeps, welcome to the New Year and the Daily @D00k13 for 12/18/2019 - 12/31/2019 ✌

Here we are in the new year, first day tested... can we follow through!?! Well today |I am doing just that, I mentioned wanting to focus a little on the things in priority and keeping those priorities straight. This video gets me upto date on daily activities and should allow me to get back to the fun and quick updates I was intending these for.
The D00k13 Digest will be an unboxing type thing for now, hopefully weekly but I am also planning on launching the #420FreeWrite again also so we will see on that as it comes down to time for setting up shots.
Been fairly busy as of late with life stuff as to be expected this time of year though did not get an many things knocked off the list before the new year I am pleased with my efforts to do so!
- look into amazon partner
- setup steempress on d00k13.com
- install steem auto account claim script for onelovedtube
- lamp install
- brave verify steempress page
- oneloved.tube & oneloveipfs.com & onelovesteem.com setup for brave tips
- printer ink for physical key backups
- install ipfs up on 2tb
- install onelovedtube ipfs discord bot
- install ipfs sync script
- rework steem signature
- smoke.io templates
- do the 420freewrite readings
- vote script for smoke.io
- notifications script for smoke.io
▶️ DTube
▶️ YouTube
Nice xmas stash. 😎
All the best in 2020!
Thanks Buddy, likewise 💖
Happy New Year! Wishing you a healthy, prosperous & happy year filled with endless blessings👑🎉🎊
Thank You my friend, may your year be all that you desire 💖
Happy new year d00k13!
Happy New Year Buddy 👍
Wishing you a fabulous 2020 @d00k13!!
Likewise my dear ❤️ May this be our year!