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RE: dTube Upload Problems! Has Anyone Seen This?

in #dtube7 years ago

Hello folks! I'm a web developer and been uploading videos to d.Tube almost every day. I will resume here the "not do" and "have to" for a success full publication on

  1. The Snap image must be uploaded while the video is uploading.
  2. The video must be below 1Gb.
  3. You need to wait until the video has been uploaded to submit (it can take quite long depending on the network)

Some times, even following that it doesn't work, probably because the network is saturated. If that's the case go do some nice fun stuff for some hours and try again later :)


Dude I have tried to load videos up and have waited days and hours, done every thing you have suggested and all videos are below 1Gb my videos won't load? Is there something I am missing? should the PAI setting be adjusted? do I need to be on IPSF? any would be great I really want to start utilizing the platform.

This is what I get

I have also tried multiple browsers, MS, Chrome, Firefox???

Is the lower that 1Gb restriction still current? Literally all of my videos are over 1Gb as they are all 4K!! If this is really the case here goes a new DTube user leaving as soon as he arrived!

Then lower the res? lol 4k on Dtube though lmao gl with that :)

Videos with 1Gig max? well thats not realy an alternative to youtube not even close... They need to get there shit straight!

my video is less then 50mb, image also, I have very fast internet, it just lists the error over and over: Error submitting to the blockchain.

make sure your tag isn't more than one word no spaces I have to put a comma after my one word tag to make it work.

Were you ever able to upload to DTube?

I have tried to upload my first video and it is stuck on point 2. It wants a Snap shot but the video didn't even upload? It's completely stuck. It's been 3 days

yep, me too!

same here (Australia 12pm), but with a smaller 10mb video and 60kb thumb.

That didn't solve my problem : (

The red checkmark next to "submit" NEVER turns green. (sigh)

Having this exact issue, after last submitting content about 24 hrs prior just fine, now I cannot upload a 1.2 MB video file at about 29 seconds. I, too, am receiving the same error prompt.

Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 9.34.37 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 9.34.27 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 9.34.19 PM.png

@heimindanger any leads to assistance on this would be most helpful, thank you in advance!

Wow that just helped me

thanks for help, but when I upload big file (715 MB ) the system don't Submit my Video to blockchain and stop in phase 3 (Submit Enter title and details). did I have to upload it again !!! . OR WHAT TO DO?

I have been having this same issue for two weeks now. Everything looks great, the video even plays and the TN seems to take... then hit submit after entering details very carefully, and ...nothing. It just won't submit. I've tried different tagging, and different times of day/night. It's plenty small as it was to be a test video clip, Mp4. just won't work.

so im not the only one with this problem, lol I feel like were missing something.

If you are using google chrome via computer or smartphone and it doesn't work try switching to Firefox. It worked for me.

my post

I used firefox and it wasn't working that way for me. This is just an FYI :)

That didn't work for me.

Hi :) A lot of people have had issues with it, so I asked @crimsonclad on the #PAL (peace abundance and liberty) discord chat during her radio show while she was helping minnows learn about #Steemit and she pretty much said that the developers are still working out the kinks and that it probably isn't anything we're doing wrong. She also said it was not a bandwidth issue. The gist of it was to keep trying as you have time available to do so.

So I guess we keep trying. Lol. It's been so consistant with the same exact issue I just don't know what else to do.

Glad i came across you guys. I been testing to see if i can upload my vids. And it is frustrating ....i thought i was doing something wrong. Ive done everything everyone here suggest...n even when it tells me it could download. I close my screen n next day i come back to check n it shows only a picture, if im lucky...but most of the time it jist takes my time away and I end up with an empty video, error message, and i honestly dont want to go back n try again (sad face)

I have tried all the above techniques at all different times of the day, that submit button refuses to work.... help dtubers!

If you are using Google chrome and doesn't work then switch to Firefox. I used my phone for that issue resolve.

my post

Thank you for the suggestion @onibyron! It did not work for me with firefox. But I appreciate any suggestions!

That sucks because it works for me on phone but laptop firefox doesnt work well with dtube.

In fact I am beginning to wonder about why so many people seem to be having a blast on the platform and so many others can't even do the simplest upload. The network can't be that overloaded ALL of the time. Maybe there's a limit on how much SP you need to have to be allowed and it's not written where we can see it? I have no idea, but I'm tired of YT and would love to use Dt. I've about had it with trying and I know someone with a decent, yet not super high amount of SP who can't get her fairly popular show to upload on DT either. I think it does not seem to be right what is happeneing. If it were that broken there would be no one getting on it.

I think its because the fake alt is actually maintained by the CIA and this is their push and its just a big crypto ponzi and all so called alt are in on it

@wetstein, I always keep possibilities like that in mind with everything I'm seeing going on. After a decade + long wake up call to the things that are going on (I was already pretty awake, just didn't see the rest of the picture I suppose..) from a situation that I had found myself in, almost nothing surprises me. I tend to assume many things are not as they appear. Of course I would love to say it's impossible, alas I cannot! Time will bare out the truth.

Oh, yeah, definitely there are controlled opposition alt sources, be it CIA or several other alphabet soup agencies that front for those who believe they should be ruling over everyone.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me!

I came here too so I could use DTube and have tried repeatedly without success to upload a video. I have another account at You can set it where when you upload a video to youtube, it automatically uploads to bitchute. No limits and no hassles. No points or money either.

This is going to sound too simple, but I've got it mostly working for me by changing to a different browser. For some reason firefox (as suggested above) didn't work when I used it but Opera did. There are still occasional glitches, but it's been a lot better and I have had success with it a handfull of times now... it seems to work the first time unless the que is really long.

YT sucks, and bitchute does look like a pretty good option, but I don't know anything about the company or who runs it. I like this platform because of the lack of censorship (unless that changes) just based upon the principle of it! Of course getting a some rewards instead of having your vids wrecked with adds, view count manipulations and de- listing of content in the search is a huge bonus too! Good luck, I hope this helps you out!

holy crap you did it!!!

9/11 Earthquakes Hidden U.S History

Thanks for taking the time to reply! I did finally get it to work. It seems in part it was due to the error of my not putting a tag in.
Someone in the community here reached out to me and walked me through it. Thanks, Paul!
I really do like it here and the people are fantastic.

Can you solve that problem because I have the same. I uploaded the video but can't submit. I even split the video but same.

Thanks for this. I did it during the upload and made the file less than 1 gig. Do you suggest we do during off hours or just random times to see if it'll upload. Also is there a way to upload the video and keep it on DTube? I upload the video and get denied on the cover image. But it's nowhere to be found on my account as even unpublished. I'm new here so I wonder if it's anything like YT?

Check it

thank you i am having the same issue here

I have also the same issue ...

thanks i will try these suggestions

HI i have problem with thumb video loaded i upload snap and even when i t finshed uploading video its not going to past this step 2 with snap.....

Hey @cryptosergio can you try to upload on d tube with mobile and leave us feedback here on your results !?

guess I need to check if mine are under 1 gb... still have et to get any videos to work

eh thanks for telling us, Dtube lol

This is no solution. My video uploaded so fast I couldnt upload the snap also. This is a major and quite possibly a critical flaw that must be fixed or this platform will be doomed. Go away and come back later? in todays days of news coverage breaking....this is a solution? I dont think so.

my problem is the same my video is 240mb and the snap is 42kb and still it do not work for me d-tube is still buggy as shit

and i can not wait so long with uploads i mean i have since 3 days and upload working and still it is not online !

What does it mean when you click the submit button and nothing happens after everything is uploaded?