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RE: Bitcoin Hits New All-Time High Over $4,400 As It Catches Paypal In Total Market Cap

in #dtube8 years ago

Brace yourselves for the correction when it hits $5,000! Profit takers will come out of the woodwork and plunge this puppy $1,000 or more! And of course when it starts falling fast the "Herd Animals" out there will follow all the way to the slaughter!

kicks back and waits for the slaughter

Just my 2 cents

As always I upvote/follow/restreem for those that do the same for me. Just don't spam my feed or will unfollow/mute.


I am waiting for a correction to get deeper into the Bitcoin space. Heavy on alts, but have price point is a bit high right now for Bitcoin.

@chefcryptoshark @crypto-ghost77 there definitely will be another major correction, the question is just when? Almost impossible to predict... if you believe Cliff High's predictions, he's set this at around $6700 or $6800. Personally I think it will be at least $6K until the next BIG drop. Sure it will correct a lot along the way there, losing a few hundred dollars here and there, but nothing drastic until then. Just my opinion :)

And in any case, no matter when it does have that next big 30 or 40% correction....long term is still bullish!! :D