What Makes Some People Easier To Work With Than Others?

in #dtube6 years ago

Hi Friends!

It's been a minute since I did a discussion vlog - but in all honesty, these are some of my favorite to make! I basically pose a question, give my thoughts, and then get into conversation with you guys in the comments.

Today we are chatting about what makes some people easier to work with than others. You all know what I'm talking about. There are some people that you know you can trust to do an awesome job, on time - everytime. They go above and beyond and have a great attitude. Then there are others that seem to always drag their feet, make mistakes, and add way more complexity to a situation than it requires. I guess the simplest way to put it is that some people make things easier, and other people make things more complicated.

Why is that? Is it personality type, clashes of personalities, drive and ambition, work ethic, passion for the work?

Although I know there is not one simple answer that applies to everyone... I've never quite been able to put my finger on what it is. Because truth be told - these "frustrating" people to work with are actually super nice and good people with good intentions.

I'm super curious to hear what you guys think!

XO, Lea

▶️ DTube

Greetings, Sweet Coruscate

What I think makes the person easy to get along with at work are issues related to empathy, respect and balance

I will sleep now. Good night!

Oooh excellent points my friend! empathy and respect are sooo crucial to having good working relationships. Without it, it's easy to see things in black and white.

People are fortunately different ^^ Some people are team players - some are the lonely wolves - some people overthink before acting and some don't.
I usually tend to avoid thinking in stereotypes but let me ask: is the girl younger than the guy? ^^

But yeah anyways I think it is positive that the one guy is way slower because his long response time lets you think more about your request - it is clear enough? Are there other easier communication ways? Am I polite enough and so on.

And for the enthusiastic girl this can help in advanced because she receives even better-defined requests and can react even faster ^^
I think many perspectives and personalities are helpful for optimization of processes and for receiving the best possible results.

The reasons you are mention? Totally agree with you. I think it is because of all the reasons you stated as a combination :D But passion is the biggest reason for procrastination and overthinking I believe.

Thanks for talking about this :)

I reflected myself and I think - I should overthink things more from time to time :D I am just too fast "okay I do it!" instead of thinking about the load of effort and the stress in future and so on. But yeah - thats life!


Thanks for the thoughtful response @tibfox!

I reflected myself and I think - I should overthink things more from time to time :D I am just too fast "okay I do it!" instead of thinking about the load of effort and the stress in future and so on.

This is sooo 100% me too. hahah I sometimes get myself involved in too many things because it all sounds exciting - but there is only so much time in the day!

And to answer your question - the girl is actually older than than the guy! But that's an interesting point about age. You are right - people that are new in their field tend be to be over eager to please. The guys is my age. :)

Some people are more skilled for empathy, but I try to love everybody.

Hi Coruscate, have you ever heard of the Four Colours of Personality? https://truecolorsintl.com/the-four-color-personalities/ understanding what types of people there are and how to deal with them allows a manager to foster an environment of understanding and collaboration.

Posted using Partiko Android

You bring up such a good point @crypticat! I haven't done that specific personality test - but have done a few others. I've heard of some companies who make personality tests a regular part of the culture and it has really helped their communication. Like for example in the color test - maybe the person has what color they are posted around their desk so people can easily adapt their approach. My company doesn't do that - but maybe I should suggest it.

wanna work together? :)

Whatcha wanna work on? 😃

give me some pointers? :) add me up on discord.

A lot of the times I find the most frustrating people to be the ones I cannot communicate with effectively. I say 'A', they hear 'B', and I really meant 'C'.

The ones I can work really well with are the ones who talk straight, call me out on inconsistencies, ask questions, and are actually interested in the task at hand (probably most important... bored people are hard to get to be helpful).

Thanks for the thoughtful response! I think you make a great point about communication. Nothing is more frustrating than thinking you are being clear but they somehow always don't get it. They probably have their own "filters" that they are processing the information through instead of just listening to what you are actually saying.

One attribute that's makes someone good to work with is a willingness to improve and learn from mistakes. So many people I know think their way is the right way and everyone else is wrong.

Excellent point @brioric! When ego starts to get in the way - it really ceases communication. Being open to feedback and learning from it is huge. :)

Simple- some people are annoying and/or assholes.

LOL valid.

Hi there, sometimes it is just a matter of perception about the person in reference. Someone let;s say Greg, makes a mistake or two at work or was even sometimes wrongly adjudged to have made a mistake and someone just escalates the issue and effectively kill Greg's confidence and give him a bad name at the same time. For this, there would be a perception problem surrounding Greg's output quality. And everyone will naturally expect him not to bring quality to the table.
In a nutshell, sometimes what we see is a result of confidence that had been murdered by a senior officer or colleagues, when in fact showing understanding and correction of the initial mistake would have helped Greg from the onset.

I don´t have much experience working with others, but I think it is due to the fact of not being committed to the task at 100%, probably a reflex of not loving "his job". I think that is exactly what happened with the example you have in the beginning.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts @diogosantos! I totally agree with you that apathy towards the work can just start a whole downward spiral of difficulty.

Empathy and apathy one day went to the field, on the way, they found a collapsed wooden bridge, the apathy refused to follow, the empathy decided to cross the river. Later, some annoying bees appeared, the apathy refused to continue, the empathy insisted on surrounding them. Then, the sky filled with gray clouds warning that there would be a storm, apathy insisted on returning or looking for a dry place, the empathy decided to continue, even if it meant getting a little wet, they were about to reach their destination.

Did you understand a little what I meant by this?

What a fun story to illustrate a point! It reminds me of another similar analogy I heard of the "Negative vs. Positive farmer". One day two farmers work up to see it was raining. The positive farmer rejoiced because he knew the rain would help nourish his plants. The negative farmer scorned the sky and started worrying his plants would flood and he would lose his crop. The next day they woke up and it was sunny. You get the picture... the negative farmer still found something to complain about.

I think the illustration of these two stories is that some people find ways to view the world with a "half full" mentality and work through hardships where the apathy person or negative farmer always find an excuse as to why something won't work.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment!

It is certainly like that, thanks to you for playing such an important topic.

Hi Coruscate,

Posted using Partiko Android

I think the thought of passion really moves people although sometimes their personal lives and certain situations can also impact behaviors at work. Its tough but sometimes it is up in the air on how to deal with these people as it is often out of our hands to choose what we need or how we depend on them. Leaders should be responsible to filter this out and provide the feedback to create better and consistent work environments.

Posted using Partiko iOS