Awesome question @mvd! I've been working on getting better at it for probably 8 months or so. If I'm in a mood that really doesn't allow for that spark of joy... then I don't force it. I just let myself sulk in that mood for a bit. Sometimes it feels almost like a guilty pleasure to do so.
Moods like that don't usually last too long for me anyway - but sometimes I just end up going to bed and try again the next day. haha
Most of the time though - i'd say that this helps me out. :)
@coruscate so you're working on if for quite some time! That's impressive!
hmm, I'm the same that it won't last for long because then my mind starts working/ being stressed again but I want to give it a go! I find this inspiring - Thank you
It's like you never can think nothing - you know what I mean? 😅 You always think about something...