Post Anarchapulco - I'm Shocked at the Interesting Conversations I'm Having with Friends and Family

in #dtube6 years ago

Hi Friends!

Now that it's been a month since I got back from Anarchapulco - I thought I'd make a vlog sharing what it's been like to have conversations about anarchy and liberty with my friends and family.

Before leaving, I made a video sharing all of the hilarious reactions people had when I told them I was going to an Anarchist convention on my vacation. I've honestly been so surprised by people's responses and the conversations I've had since coming back though.

People have been genuinely so curious about what I learned and what the word Anarchy even means - which lets face it, is kind of a scary sounding word. Most people that I meet associate that term with chaos and the end of the world. (Dramatic much?)

In this video I share a few examples of conversations I've had with friends and family that kind of surprised me - but nothing surprised me more than chatting with my mom about all of this! I think that in general we are seeing a shift in consciousness where people are unhappy with the way things are going now - but they don't totally know why or what a different system could look like.

People are hungry to hear different points of views - but more-so, I think people are hungry for deep, meaningful conversation.

Posing questions and getting into open, interesting, curious, and engaging conversations with people is something our "fast media consumption" culture is lacking. I find most people are craving that kind of deep interaction and welcome the thought-provoking questions.

Why does this matter?

Because social change happens one positive interaction at a time. Whether it's getting into conversations about crypto, liberty or whatever you are passionate about... being intentional with those conversations are what eventually changes the social norm. Maybe someone has an interesting conversation with you, and then they hear something in a podcast, then their friend Susie says she just bought her first piece of bitcoin, or voted for a third party candidate she actually believed in... these interactions all add up to helping us shift away from a more centralized viewpoint.

I hope you guys enjoyed this vlog and hearing about some of my takeaways and conversations I've been having since Anarchapulco.

When you are chatting with friends and family about more "alternative viewpoints", do you find it easy to get into open, curious conversations with people, or is it a challenge?

Can't wait to chat with you guys below!


▶️ DTube

I must be super sleepy, because for a second there I thought you had spray painted the circle A logo on your wall.... the one in your thumbnail. Such an anarchist!

You're right though, this is how change hits the mainstream... There might be a trillion articles with negative viewpoints of say crypto or whatever in the media, but people will always give greater weight to the experiences of their friends and family over all these articles.

It's not always easy to engage in proper actual conversations, so it's amazing that you've had or created these opportunities to affect the people around you. I've been pretty quiet myself, but I'm starting to learn enough about governments, crypto, blockchain, etc to counter people's 'soundbite' opinions that they've heard elsewhere.

Also... I received the best wallet message in the history of all blockchains today.


Yuuuusss!! What did we do before emoji’s? 😂

Countering the soundbite opinions can be super hard - so I just try to stay open and curios in the conversation and not put pressure on myself to “have all the answers”. Instead of trying to counter or defend, I try to move the conversation to talking about the things I’m excited about and the cool stuff happening in the world of crypto etc. 😊

Sincerely, it's difficult yet. People relate freedom with no control and caos. But has come something that is going to change everything:cryptocurrencies. In one way or another the scope of cryptos is an anarchy. So if all this turns good (all seems to be going at the direction of success), there will be a much more openess in the society towards true freedom.

Have a great day coruscate!!🌞☺️


Peace loving anarchists trigger some real cognitive dissonance. I've never thrown a punch in anger, let alone a molotov cocktail at a cop car. You'll never out-violence the state; but they really want you to try.

It's so true! It's so funny to me how people associate anarchy with "chaos and violence" when in reality - they believe in everyone's right to life. So we are probably the least violent group out there.

Was Jesus an anarchist?

Posted using Partiko Android

He was a brown, Middle-eastern, married, Jewish anarchist.... so much irony to think that if he actually came back today, exactly the same as he was, most of his followers probably wouldn't listen to him.

So he would embrace bitcoin, nice

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahah loving this thread. @aussieninja you are so spot on... it’s both sad and funny.

i would go to church if i could pay the offering in bitcoin #nokidding

Awesome that people are looking to see new perspectives and entertain discussion in your circles. Anarchy simply means no rulers, choosing to be personally responsible for yourself and the less fortunate around you instead of abdicating your responsibility to others and relinquishing your power to fully actualize the self through dangerous freedom. I do believe it's the evolution of humanity to become more balanced, and individually mature to lead ourselves do no harm, but take no shit. There is so much division in the world right now if we just realized we were all being played by just a few amount of people we could cooperate together to build the new systems that make the current one obsolete.

Posted using Partiko Android

You've hit the nail RIGHT ON THE HEAD with this whole comment. If I were a billonaire I'd let it run in commercials all over the world.
''There is so much division in the world right now if we just realized we were all being played by just a few amount of people we could cooperate together to build the new systems that make the current one obsolete.''
I've just started a series on this subject in my latest article on my blog, feel free to check it out if you're interested.
The fact that there are people out there like you is what gives me hope.

I loved your video

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

I love what you are doing and your philosophy in doing it.
I must have talked to about 1000 people now about these subjects, and quite frankly, I 've stopped since because the resulting frustration was becoming too much to handle.
I've now taken a step back, and started to work on myself, my own life and my own freedom.
I will reenter the arena when I feel ready, because I think that while your arguments matter as far as having an impact goes, it's alot more about who you are and how you say them that seems to determine the effectiveness of your endeavour.
I hope I finally get to visit Anarchapulcho in 2020 !