So with false ballistic missile alerts causing panic and disruption across the state, everyone is left asking "What the hell just happened in Hawaii?" A simple mistake? Secret intercept? Government psyop? Drill gone almost live? Something else entirely? Corbett Report members are encouraged to log in and leave any data or information in the comments below.
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@corbettreport Sounds like a total cover up. Just another plot to scare the world.
I just hope this is not the beginning of the official North-Korean war. I think it could start that way so they want to see our reactions.
As we all know the US will probably make the first move and I could imagine trump falling for some sort of message and just launches a bunch of missiles as we have seen in syria.
This kind of not thought through missiles launch can get very dangerous:
I don't think the war is starting yet, but this theory certainly puts an interesting twist on the scenario. A scare tactic to incite aggression perhaps? Or, a test to see how much power the government can seize? So many different possibilities. Mostly conspiracy theory crap, but possibly there is some underlying truth to it.
I certenly hope not!
It could be the intention to scare the people. The odd thing is that a lot of people just think it has to be NK without any proof or mention in the alert. Its probably just conditioning but it's just all speculation.
I wish I had more reputation so that I could flag you for your slander against the good name of CNN! They're always truthful, and national treasure Anderson Cooper is definitely not of Vanderbilt lineage and certainly never interned at any alphabet soups in the past as part of any type of programs named after birds!
The government is here to protect you and would never sprinkle substances on largely populated coastal areas to study the rate of spread of diseases, so why would you ever think they would do anything as benign as test an alert system? Them showing it off to NBC is just a coincidence, either that or a drunk intern of theirs just slept under a desk and thought to call a cab home on it when he woke up.
Hiding under a manhole cover isn't that bad of a call. Just hope that you have enough water and snacks to live for the two plus weeks you'll need to wait for the fallout to settle.
And hey, give Mr. Miyagi a break, I'm sure he's already had to apologize enough for not preventing the new Karate Kid from being made. That level of failure would require harakiri once while he's alive and another seppuku when he's a ghost if he was still living in Japan.
There was that other "fat finger" incident with the alert system somewhere else in the US not too long ago, and that audio was kind of odd, though it kind of sounded like a doom and gloom end times preacher was getting on the wrong airwaves.
First line of thinking should always be to question the government doing this on purpose. They are known for psyops and false flags. I found it interesting watching a couple videos that the people leaving messages for their families, they automatically said they were under attack from NK. No where did anything mention NK. This is conditioning. I think they did this to see how people would react, there are cameras everywhere. We are more likely to be hurt by our own government than NK.
We had a fellow steemian on the ground there
It’s just MIC doing their best to nudge things so they fall into their place en route to inevitable war and riches!
When I heard this, I knew it was really sketchy. My sister lives in Maui and was really scared. This is what they want, to scare people in a subtle way. Its soft conditioning, it seems so obvious to me, yet not to everyone.
Clearly the emergency alert system needs to be improved. It all should be tied to the ONE button the president pushes when launching our entire NUKE arsenal. That way, with only ONE button, it is far less likely to be a mistake in the future. Geez.
Does anybody think the "authorities" would actually tell the public that they stopped a missle attack? I wonder who will get "fired" to make this lie more believable.
And the most powerful military on earth can not intercept a crappy North Korean missile? Really???
They must put out an "Alert" that we all should duck and shelter because they are completely defenseless?
The big bogeyman is not mightier, just crazy. And 'crazy bad guys' are to be feared immensely, even though they are impotent, worthless, - they can wreak havok by mistake and thorugh no hard work of their own and for no purpose or reason at all.
This narrative and line of argument for becoming stronger by spending more tax dollars on defense - weak and unsupported by facts as it may be - has worked well for generations of Americans in order to always remain 'great again'.
The question is, who helped North Korea build it's missiles? Where do the components come from? There is reason to believe that nothing is what we are made to believe. It's all a big theater, smoke and mirrors. Useful bogeymen to further agendas. And we fall for this bullshit and pay with our tax dollars for this insanity. followed!
There's certainly a lot of smoke and mirrors, the trick is figuring out which is which.
LOL. You got that right. Nowadays it is difficult to tell truth from fiction. Good thing we have guys like James Corbett with his brilliant analysis and perspective to peak behind the veil...
I wonder if one day people will wake up to the idea that nuclear bombs are entirely fake anyway...
One thing to mention about our bogeyman Kim is that he went to school here in switzerland very close to where I live. It was very interesting how fast he grew from just a kid with swissbackground to the dictator he is now. What was he doing here? Was he prepared for the overtake of NK as we have all seen? I would love to have an investigation from James about that. There were more of these next-generation dictator schooled right in Bern, Switzerland. What is that all about?
Here he was just any other guy.
I could at least help translate documents from (swiss)german to english if you happen to find something.
We probably store his money too. Stupid swiss banksterdicks.
That was strange there in hawaii.
I'm curious what you have to say to this.
Cheers and have a nice day!
Wow nice dtube post
My vote for option 3
The scary thing about this false flags is that, it could be planned test to see how people would react. This are the real masters at it again.
This smells like another 9-11 kind of scenario brewing with all the media hype and then this.
The Powers that be are so adament to start a war we all don't need. I suspect this is all so they can get the American people to support a war against NK when one is passed. Sad really this kind of people need to be stripped off there powers.
Just got back from a vacation where I had no internet... I honestly thought this was a joke at first.
I feel bad for Hawaians... In the meantime Trump was playing golf or smthng lol...
This is a vital information and thanks for sharing it
very informative post like it and upvoted.
thanks for sharing @corbettreport
We probably will never get a straight answer. A few years ago a bunch of unmarked black helicopters showed up downtown in my city, city authorities were not informed. They did a bunch of maneuvers and caused a ruckus, then they claimed it was a training drill. OK so if that is true why would the military be training for domestic operations?
But anyone who starts blabbering about black helicopters is crazy right?
here is the local news item:
great post,excellent information.i like this post
thanks for great video sharing
Very nice to be doing a post you thank you for sharing a nice post in us
Thanks for sharing this informative post.
we gather a lot of information by your post.
It is a skill our steemit capability for all steemians.
Thanks for sharing.Wait for your upcoming post.
This was indeed deplorable, somebody should definitely lose their job over this.
They should at least show how this process really works and how they plan to prevent this the next time. If it was just a fault then we should not jump to extreme measures. If it was deliberate then this is a whole other story but probably not orchastrated from the guy that pressed that "button".
Edit: sorry for doublepost
Truly Amazing!!
We are discovering all kinds of things about how unsafe we are in the United States. We spend alot of money and are very unprepared for survival
I wonder who fell asleep behind the controls. might be jobless soon.
In Deutsch:
I'm sure this has been said before but when I heard about it, I immediately though that it was another plot to scare Americans into reacting against North Korea. But it only goes to show how inept some people can be. I'm a bit too far from it though, I don't know too much about it so feel free to correct me xx
Haha! I have been waiting for your take on this mess. Great to see you picking up the pace on steemit. I have just done a vid promoting your work and I also subscribe to your website. Inspirational work, brother.
Favourite episode....can't choose but the Psychopaths episodes were extraordinary. Thank you and James Evan Pilato for your efforts, they travel further than you may think.
and before I watch your video, my guess was that this was done as a test run. Although I have just seen a video stating that it was a real attack that was 'shot down', but I'm not buying that. My money is on a test-run.
Gonna watch your vid and see how my aim compares to yours. Got to get some fun out of this.
Lol, MSM in the right place at the right time, as always...
As you have requested info in comments section, I will break etiquette and leave a link to the video I watched stating missile shoot-down. I can't throw this very far, see how you get on.
This is all just theater.
My first thought on hearing the news of the false alarm in Hawaii was that, although it was a false alarm, it was a planned event. The territory of Guam and the state of Hawaii have military bases effective enough to plan for an attack, but the general population was probably not prepared - At All. Will get their *hit together now?
This is a great video! simple error of a fake missile! making the world afraid

speculations ...
A tour of the facility the day before....come on M.S.M. y'all are getting way to sloppy.
Im firefighter on Oahu and had just gotten off duty when the alert came through on my phone. Scariest 30min of my life. Someone needs to get to the bottom of how this could of happened.