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RE: The Kennedy Files Revealed

in #dtube7 years ago

I could be wrong, so apologies if I am, but I'm sure I saw a post floating around recently that said Trump was going to withhold some of the documents he originally said would be released in regards to the JFK assassination.

If that's true, it seems the Elite string pullers have got their claws into him one way or another.

When Trump won, I like everyone else was surprised and felt that his stance could seriously upset the agenda and make waves across the world, but so far there seems to be a few things coming out that make a little less confident that he is standing alone and against these would be world rulers

Having said that, he cancelled TTIP in the states, which was the best thing for us in the UK as TTIP would have been the demise of so many services in this country and now we are leaving the EU (supposedly/hopefully) we wont necessarily be dragged into that!

I can't quite make my mind up as to whether he will be the saviour of the US or another good talker that follows his orders like all the presidents since JFK