
Borrowed Jargon

How else would you describe someone fumbling out of their depth with an outdated version of Backtrack linux than a script kiddie? (and yes, you read backtrack right, I'm aware it isn't active anymore).

Or are you trying to say they have their own tools they developed while disrupting foreign elections? I was trying to go with your narrative, but hey, if you don't want to.

Also, since you say I don't offer enough substance, exactly which colors are you talking about? Let's just get all this ambiguity out of the way, and get this recorded on the blockchain so you can look back at what an arrogant fuck you have been.

If you have a disagreement with me that is cool, no skin off my dickhead, but you should at least ditch the superiority complex and the condescension, It doesn't look good through the lens of hindsight. (You'll thank me later)

Also loooolz at your lack of self awareness.

Only you are allowed to be condescending!

My simple point went right over your head and you are trying to draw me into an argument I would need a lobotomy to appreciate.

I am done. Your fedora level is too high.

You realize that people are like mirrors, correct? If you are rude and condescending, people will mirror it back to you.

I am usually not so verbal, usually I just down vote the spam in these threads, but I was hoping you could be an adult person about things (and before you justify it, I'm not just shouting spam because of your dissent, I say spam because of your multi-posts and self votes).

Either way, if you are really worth my time and it really is worth your effort, you could say your piece in a normal manner, like an adult. If you can't do that, I don't think I will be the only person to down vote you on this platform.

This isn't facebook or reddit, your reputation matters here, I see you are new, so I am trying to be nice, please, just take that, and keep it in mind.

I still have confidence that you will grow into yourself and be able to gain a footing here, be kind to yourself and prove me right!

Stop larping.
It is not possible to have any technical knowledge and give the Russian hacker lie creedence at the same time.
Look at you obfuscating with bullshit.
What a hipster.