A lots of things makes me an Africa man:- Africa are known to be very religious. Mostly either Christian or Muslim and few are traditional worshipper. Citizens of Africa countries are know to be very religious.
Hard working spirit is another great quality attached to Africa people. Back then in the stone age, a single man can cultivate hundreds of heap of farm lard as the case may be. Little can an Africa man allow machine to do for him. They believe in man power.
Leaderships quality, most Africa leaders though most at times selfish, but are know for good leadership spirit. They can direct and have a good charismatic spirit,e.g Nelson Mandela, Obafemi Awolowo,Barrack Obama etc.
the continent I found my self, as actually declare that I am from the black race. The African continent.
Intelligence:-Afrca are know to be good in what ever things they do. From the educational aspect down to manpower and using of the IQ. Africa are good thinkers. Thanks