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RE: Shhhhhhh...Ethnic Cleansing In Progress - PLEASE DO DISTURB!

in #dtube8 years ago

They had elections in Gaza. Israel and the US made them. They voted for Hammas. Because the other Israeli option was FATAH. The West told them their election was bullshit. Palestinians fault.

You believe this is battle over two sides. When anyone who does any simple research knows this is one population under occupation by another. They call it the occupied territories.

Gaza is more of an open-air prison. The place isn't a country. It's a surrounded region of Israel that up until a decade ago had Israeli settlers in it. Gaza has no right to the air space above it, or the water on it's coast. Funny how you think they could be "Katar".

What deals should they sign? Since each deal the Israelis propose, they violate.

"Ignore it". Cut of US funding for Israel and halt all wars fought on it's behalf and people would definitely ignore it more.